Monday, July 26, 2021


What are "orbs?" There are thousands of images and videos of so-called "orbs" doing all sorts of crazy shit, and some are certainly more compelling than others. Of course many people will say that it's all the camera flash reflecting off of dust particles, and the vast majority definitely are that, but I don't believe they all are, and not all the videos and images are filmed with the flash on.

 I've caught a couple on film, and both times they were going against the air currents, which would seem to rule out things that ride the wind. Some also appear to have a bit of color and even patterns sometimes, which I know could be a camera artifact, but again I don't think that's always the case. You can fake anything these days, but why fake something that most people will say is dust particles? 

 Some years back, and apparently before I started posting vids on my YouTube channel, dang it, I was patting our cat Sam. He was so beautiful and sweet, and there was a Christmas tree behind him, which made for a beautiful photo-op. I snapped a frame or two and then something told me to take a video. As soon as I turned it on an "orb" appeared to cross the room and head straight for Sam. He saw it too. It got right up to his nose and disappeared, like he'd inhaled it. At that very instant he shook his head violently, hissed and spat and took off like lightning and ran under the bed. He never did that before or since. I'd think it'd be difficult for even the most diehard skeptic to see that and not at least scratch their head. 

 I played several times at an historic place here in town called Sloss Furnace. Behind the stage there's an area of red-clay dirt, and a low wall maybe 150' behind that. One night we were taking a break and I saw the gnarliest "orb" I've ever seen. It wasn't a speck of dust. It was red, about the size of a grapefruit and it seemed to be glowing on its own. Naturally at first I thought it was one of the lighting guys fooling around with a spotlight but I ruled that out in a hurry. There's no ordinary lighting technology I know of that can project a round, three-dimensional ball of light that moves from near to far and isn't being projected onto anything. 

 It lasted about 45 seconds. It moved from the stage toward the wall, about 3' off the ground. As it got close to the wall it moved from left to right in front of it (not projected onto it), as if it were restricted by it, and finally disappeared off to the right. I was standing by myself but I pointed it out to some people standing nearby, and they caught a glimpse of it. That was enough for one girl. She freaked-out and left. She certainly knew it wasn't a spotlight. The other people stood around and we talked about it for a bit. They were familiar with stories about how Sloss is supposedly haunted. It freaked them out too but they weren't as surprised as they might have been. 

 Of course with any old, dark place like that people are going to say it's haunted, but lots of people think that Sloss Furnace is legit, and who am I to disagree?  Apparently a few skeptics have changed their minds to some degree after a visit. I decided to take a walk on the next break. Around one of the buildings is a concrete drainage channel that's always full of water, and some fish live in it. It's like a free public aquarium, although there's only one type of fish and it's pretty unornamental, but to me it's cool and I wanted to see them at night. Plus I just wanted to take a walk and have a look around, and see if maybe the "orb" or something else would show up.

 I passed by a small, narrow building or shed. It went back about 10' or so into a hill. I felt my hair stand up for some reason as I got close to it, and when I stopped and looked in I'd swear I saw something move, like a shadow or a shape but I couldn't be sure. It was pretty dark inside. I can say for sure that my walk came to an end pretty soon after that. It was time to jam again anyway. 

 Understandably some people would say I was tripping on acid or whatever, but I was dead-sober. Maybe two or three times of the 500 or so gigs we played during the life of the band did I have so much as a beer either the day of or on the gig. After the gig could be a different story, and I might go apeshit and be hammered an hour later, but I'd learned my lesson long ago about musicians, and drummers too, thinking that they're somehow magically-immune to the effects of ten shots of Jägermeister or whatever it is (Hey Spellcheck, thanks for the Umlaut!), and more than that I wanted the "Muse" to be the buzz. 

 And if it sounds like baseless bullshit, Ghost Hunters did an episode there a few years later, and I'm pretty sure did a follow-up show a year or so later. For what it's worth they'd done hundreds of shows all over the world by then, and they said that the Sloss Furnace provided the most "evidence" they'd collected, and was pretty much agreed-upon as the most "haunted" place they'd visited to date. Interestingly they showed the exact same view of the building I was looking into. It's almost as if you can't help it, like you're drawn to it. It's an interesting little structure with an odd shape to begin with, but it's almost like there's more to it than that. 

 They filmed what looked like a random shape or a shadow moving, which is exactly what I thought I saw. Small world. I'm sure you can find the episode(s) on YouTube or somewhere. I watched the first one and it was very interesting, and cool to see them film the exact same thing that also caught my attention. You can say it's just a coincidence but if so it's a damn good one. Whatever they thought they saw, and filmed, in that building was what I thought I saw in person.

 It flipped them out as it did me, and whether or not it's a camera glitch or whatever, they caught movement on the film. Plus they had a dozen people probably, but I was alone. Hey, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? Back then I didn't have a phone or I'd have filmed it too. Maybe I'll go back one night. Hmm...I might want to take a buddy this time. I'm going to watch that episode again, and the next one, if my memory is correct. It's interesting to watch whether you believe in "ghosts" or not. 

 I think there's something to it. Too many people have had similar experiences, and statistically they can't all be insane. I've seen a few things I can't explain to save my life. Technically I believe in "ghosts," but what I think they are is quite different from most people's views on what they are. I think that if you catch a whiff of dearly-departed Aunt Betty's perfume, and a box falls off a shelf or whatever, I don't think it's the actual ghost of Aunt Betty...trapped between two worlds or allowed to come back for a visit once in a while or whatever.

 I think it's something pretending to be the ghost of Aunt Betty, although I experienced something intense one night at my sis and bro-in-law's house that blew my mind and would almost make me think otherwise. I told the story years ago but I don't know if I published it or not. I should tell it again. It was nuts. Anyway demons are very intelligent, and if they can masquerade as an "angel of light," pretending to be Aunt Betty would be a cakewalk. It's just my personal opinion. 

 But WTF are "orbs?" Among people who have an opinion besides that it's all dust specks, most think that they're "spirits." Some think they're all demonic spirits, and some think they're both angelic and demonic, which is my opinion at this time. Was the "orb" I saw at Sloss angelic or demonic, if applicable? I don't know. Although it was very weird and very fascinating I didn't feel frightened, but the vibe I had when I looked in that building was anything but angelic, and the "orb" or whatever it was was certainly no dust speck. Most "orbs" don't appear until a video is viewed, but not this one.

There will always be people who could watch a million videos and still say that it's just dust specks and there's nothing to it. That's fine, but I'd have to disagree, and I'm pretty sure Sammy would too.




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