Friday, July 30, 2021

Joey Jordison RIP(?)

Drummer Joey Jordison passed-away completely unexpectedly (to most people I guess) three days ago. If there's an afterlife, I wonder how Joey is doing in it. Usually I try not to think about "Rock Stars'" souls when they die, but for some reason Joey is on my mind. If there is an afterlife then I wouldn't want to be Joey Jordison's soul right now. 

 I don't know what's different about this time, but it's almost like I can feel this one. I can't explain it or know why he's on my mind. We always say "RIP" or "They're in a better place now." Is Mr. Jordison resting in peace? Is he in a better place? Maybe, but I get the feeling that that's not the case this time. It was his choice.

 I certainly wasn't a big Slipknot fan, but in terms of sheer drumming ability, speed and technical prowess, Joey was a monster, and by default I'd have to at least appreciate him, if not necessarily be a big fan of his vibe. As I've said plenty of times. I've always tried to separate an artist's "politics" from their music. I don't give a shit what drugs they do or don't do, or whom they're banging or what deities they may worship, but in some cases it's tough. 

 Take Gary Glitter. He had it all, and with the gig he had and the way he dressed and performed, he could've gone on to a massive career in Vegas, almost like another Elvis, and right now he'd be playing five nights a week at the Sands or on a cruise ship somewhere, but the problem was he was a pedo, and from his point of view it sucked because he got caught and rightly-punished. I hate to say it but I watched a few videos of interviews with him and read a few statements he made while his shit was going on. I never caught a word of remorse or concern for the children, just ME ME ME...I'm innocent...fucking blah-blah-blah. It was pathetic.

 There's NEVER any concern for the children...they're forgotten because we're paying all the attention to these piece-of-shit pedos, because they're "STARS," and we worship stars. Still Mr. Glitter doesn't come close to being the most vile, sick, evil pedo, who happened to be a musician, to come out of the UK- that title belongs to Ian Watkins. If I were you and I didn't already know about him, the shit he did is so heinous and sickening that I wouldn't even look into it if I were you. You've been warned. The thing is Gary Glitter wrote one of the most famous Rock anthems of all time, "History of Rock and Roll, Part 2" I think it was called, and I couldn't hate that song if I tried. BTW I don't hate Gary Glitter or even Ian Watkins, but I damn-sure hate what they did. 

 Speaking of worship, I wonder whom Joey J worshipped? Do you think he worshipped the one he mocked? I don't. Let's face it...ALL these people worship Satan, and they tell us to our faces. If you're one of those people who say it's all just a publicity stunt, and granted sometimes it is, then maybe you should check out some of their interviews. They're TRUE Satanists, and they make no skull-and-bones about it. They're proud of it, mostly. It's one thing if you don't believe in God or Satan, which renders thoughts like this moot point, but let's just hope you're right. 

 A few years ago I became fascinated by the way that drumming seemed to jump to another level. I was saying well-over a decade ago that drumming was becoming like a sport, with people competing to see who could do the fastest single-stroke rolls of whatever, as if that's musical. It wasn't that long ago in music history that we thought that drummers had literally reached the limits of what the human body could do, sort of like the Four-Minute Mile, but that notion was shattered, and contests arose to see who the fastest drummer was. I still crack-up at the "Drumometer," a device that measures the amount of strokes you could do in one minute. Then it got even more intense. 

 About a decade ago some drum-programmers who were programming "drum tracks" for Pop and R&B/Hip Hop stuff, and they were putting in drum rolls that sounded like a machine gun. Some people didn't like it because they said that no human drummer could play that fast (basically they said that they weren't necessarily trying to emulate a drummer, and it was a different thing altogether, which is true), but they were wrong. Within a few years drummers were playing faster with their feet than many drummers could play with their hands. I'm not sure myself how they got to that point, but I think maybe they had a little help from an "outside source." 

 Don't get me wrong...I don't want to see anyone go to Hell, if it exists, including myself. If there's an afterlife, and a "God" and a "Devil," then there will be judgement, and I'll have to face it too. I'm damn-sure no saint, and I'm not judging anyone myself. That's God's gig. I fear that I'll be one of those "lukewarm 'Christians'" the Good Book talks about, and when my name is called Up Yonder, Jesus will say "I never knew you." There are no words in the Universe that could kill me like those. 

 Joey wasn't lukewarm about his beliefs. If you mock Christ, your beliefs are known. Not long ago I found another interesting drummer. He played Metal, and he was super-fast and crazy-tight. In addition to the Metal stuff he also played some Prog, and he took a few things like ancient Jazz standards or dorky Pop tunes or whatever, and did cool drum arrangements. He's a great showman the middle of playing all that complex shit he was twirling and tossing his sticks ten different ways. If I could ever learn to play drums I might learn to spin sticks, but it's really not my thing. It's cool to watch though.

 I was starting to like this guy, and I was thinking that just maybe he wasn't a Devil-worshipper, but of course I was wrong. I had a few of his vids queued-up, and just as I thought that, another video came on. For no apparent reason it started out with him sitting in the middle of a "Magic Circle" with a pentagram in the middle. There was no explanation or tie-in to the vid; he was just sitting there smiling, and showing his allegiance. They have to. I guess that answered my question. ALL those guys are into Satan. 

 When I became interested in these drummers and their superhuman abilities, Joey was one of the first I checked-out. Still I don't know why he's been on my mind, but what I'm feeling about it isn't good. Maybe there's no reward and no punishment, and when we die that's it- no soul to continue on for all of eternity. Actually that'd be fine with me, and I bet it'd be fine with Joey too. They say that the one "unpardonable sin" isn't killing, or doinking thy neighbor's wife; it's rejecting God. Did Joey commit the unpardonable sin? He wore a crown of thorns. You tell me. 

 Maybe Hell is just one giant party, as many of these people have convinced themselves, and the true Satanists who do all the horrid things that they must do, think that since they served Lucifer during their time on Earth, they'll be rewarded in Hell, but I don't see it that way. Some say their punishment will be even worse and I believe that, and did no one ever tell these people that Satan is the father of lies? I guess not. If there's an afterlife, how's that mocking-Christ thing working out for you Joey? 


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