Monday, July 26, 2021

Fun Facts

Like numbers? I do. Here's some. As I said, as of two or three weeks ago when this study came out, only about 40% of doctors had taken the stick. That's less than the general public. Why? It's probably because around 85% of them reported hearing of "serious reactions" from some of their patients, and apparently enough of them to cause concern. I find it interesting, and who'd know best about side-effects? That's right...doctors. 

 Maybe it could also have something to do with the fact that for the time it's been on the market, it's still an experimental drug, no matter what "emergency" legislation they passed. Giving it a name doesn't change the facts.

Ever heard of side-effects? The average medication probably has half a dozen at least, and those drugs went through YEARS  of testing before they were approved, and people don't think it could happen with something that was rushed into production, not properly tested, etc. etc., just because they say it's safe? 

 Of course they're going to say it's safe. That's what they do. Usually we'd get 1-800-BAD-DRUG. You won't be able to do that should problems arise down the road. Six months before they came out with the first dose they'd already gotten legislation passed, protecting them from ALL FUTURE LIABILITY. That should tell us something. You can't call 1-800-BAD-VAXX.  It'll never exist. Too bad. 

 So just remember, when you buy into the bullshit that people who don't want the stick don't love people, or are the ONLY possible cause of stuck people getting sick (and then you have to ask if it's even as effective as they say, if you get sick for ANY reason), when they've told us that the bug is EVERYWHERE, on surfaces, in the air (except for the magical 6' distance) and already having mutated easily dozens of times and passed into animals, and that it'll be here "FOREVER" as we're told, and worse, unstuck people are killers, just remember that among those people you'll hate are our DOCTORS. 

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