Sunday, July 25, 2021

How Sick Can It Get?

In yet another example of how sick we've become as a society, recently this man, who "identifies" as a woman, went to a spa and used the women's section. He proceeded to strip and walk around naked in front of women and even little girls. Just a few years ago, no matter who or what he "identified" as, if he'd tried to pull this nasty shit he'd have been thrown in jail, WHERE HE BELONGS. Instead, the management actually defended him and he was allowed to walk around dangling his dick out in front of little kids. Folks, the word for this, besides "sick," is "abomination." This is an abomination. Say it with me one time y'all..."ABOMINATION." 

 In this video the place was very crowded, but not a single one of these "men" around him dared to say a word. No one had the balls to speak out for decency. "Hey, man...please put some clothes on. There's KIDS here." Nobody said that, so whether they actually do or not, these cowards were showing their support for this sicko and this sick shit. Granted these days they'd probably be arrested for assault or some shit, while the perv was allowed to dangle his dongle in front of little kids, but if no one stands up to this sick-ass shit, then IT WILL BECOME THE NORM! Pay attention folks. This is serious. Again...KIDS. Remember them? 

 So, let me get this straight, as it a person "identifies" outweighs things like, oh, I don't know...say Public Lewdness charges?  Endangerment of a minor? Did they just take those off the books? I'm serious...did they? Or does it only apply to straight people now? It supersedes protecting our KIDS from perverts like this? Are you fucking kidding? And BTW...a "man" just walks in and flops his dick around because he decides he's going to "identify" as a woman that day (so I guess his dick didn't matter that particular day), and everyone just treats him as if he's completely normal? REALLY?

 How the fuck is this normal? Is it okay to expose yourself to little kids just because of how you "identify?" I guess so. What if he'd "identified" as a man that day...would it still be okay to expose himself to little girls? Guess what...IT'S THE SAME THING. Can you see how the bullshit works? It's the same damn thing. Exposing yourself is exposing yourself. These people make their own laws. That we defend this is insanity. 

 One woman, the only person who had enough decency, sanity and BALLS to speak up, went up to complain to the management. She'd been there with her little girl and was infuriated about what she'd just seen, and rightly so, but a woman (I think) behind the counter told her that since he "identified" as a female, there was nothing they could do. Who says? And as I've said before, how can "rules" that only apply to a very small (but rapidly-growing) group of people, maybe 5% to be very generous, apply to ALL of us? That's not how things work, or at least worked. Now a grown man, who ought to know better and care, no matter what he "identifies" as, can just walk into a women's changing area and just wave his dick around in front of little girls, and it's totally cool? Bottom line...we're defending PERVERSION. 

 Wake the fuck up. That this guy is walking (and hanging) free should truly tell you how sick things are, and maybe like some of us, want to do something about it, if only to expose it, as it were. This is SICK. If you support this shit you're just as guilty as this sick piece of shit. It's true. Whatever bullshit terms, pronouns, explanations or ANY way they try to spin it, it's WRONG. Have we lost all decency? PLEASE stand up for the KIDS at least, if not all of society. It's degenerating. We can stop this shit. Oh, and to anyone who'd sidestep the REAL issue and call this "hate speech," you're a fucking fool. And a liar.

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