Sunday, July 18, 2021


Okay, this is where we really need to draw the line. Did you hear that they want to start screening our personal texts? That's right. How does that make you feel? Unsettled? God I hope so. Ostensibly it's to combat so-called "misinformation" about the veeros, yet again taking away our privacy under the guise of "protection." What was it ol' Benny Franklin said...oh yeah- if we trade liberty for "safety," we deserve and will get NEITHER. True that, Ben. 

 Go read some interviews with people who survived a certain period of world history, who at first followed a madman with a little square moustache, and see how that worked out for them. They'll back up every word Ben Franklin said, I guarantee. They'd also warn us as sternly as they knew how, not to let this kind of thing happen, but they're all gone. Another famous person once said something about how if we don't learn from history then we'll be doomed to repeat it. How can people not see that this is EXACTLY where we're about to be headed...AGAIN? It's the same EXACT people in power, and calling the shots (in this case, as it were) or more-specifically their descendants, and we need to get that through our thick-ass heads. They're GLOBALITS. 

 The insane thing is that more people than you might think actually SUPPORT  this numbskull idea. They don't have a problem with someone (at first an algorithm and then a human, once a text is flagged) reading their personal texts for so-called "medical misinformation." Are they REALLY  that completely fucking stupid? Apparently so. By the by, what about "sexting?" They'll be seeing all that too, in case people haven't thought of that, and of course they haven't.

 Sending your girlfriend (if applicable) a photo of your dick? Better be could wind up going public. Did you hear about the good folks at the M1 (the British CIA), who put together a full-color, glossy coffee-table book that featured the "greatest hits" of naked women, from text messages? Look it up. It took place a few years back, and if we don't do anything about this bullshit, then get ready for Volume 2. 

 I can't imagine what these fools must be thinking, because thank God my brain doesn't work that way, but I guess it's something like " Oh, PLEASE save us from these awful people spreading 'medical misinformation!' We're too stupid and scared shitless to think for ourselves, so we need to be TOLD what to think. Please, oh please save us from this horrible disease, which has a mortality rate of around .03%, mostly elderly people who actually died from other causes, but tested positive for the bug and so that was listed as the 'cause of death.' Even if you read our personal texts, we don't care. Just save us from this horrible thing!" It's pathetic.

 I can picture a typical text I might send..."Hey, have you read the label on a box of M-90 masks? It says that they don't protect from veerosees and the See-Nineteener specifically." The textee: "No I haven't." "Hang on and I'll send you a photo." But then I get flagged, and either they add a page from EB or Wiki saying it's bullshit, at best, or they delete or edit the text, and don't allow the photo to go through. Fuck that I say. I'll quit texting and stick to e-mailing, and when they start censoring e-mails I'll resort to a megaphone or tin cans with string or learn smoke signals.  

If you support this incredible invasion of what privacy we have, then say hello to your new friends- all the other fools. And you think they'll stop at "medical misinformation?" You'd better think twice. One we let them do that then ANY topic is fair game. That ANYONE with half a brain can support this in utter insanity, and whether or not these fools can see it or not now, they'll see the results of idiocy soon enough. But do have a nice day, while you can. It could be subject to change. 

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