Friday, July 16, 2021

T-Shirt of the Day

At first I thought this was some sort of "puffy" t-shirt or something, like maybe they'd sewed part of the cat's face onto the shirt, and filled it with batting. Aside from being on a spaceship and way out in East Buttfuck, Orion Nebula or wherever they were, and the HR Geiger aspect and the blood and guts, it kinda reminds me of the classic scene in Alien where the creature pops right out of that poor bastard's stomach, only it's a cat. It looked like it was genuinely-3D in the thumbnail, and there was one with a dog that looked even more 3D, like it was running straight out of the shirt. 

 There's talk of getting the band back together, and if we can make it happen before we get locked-down again, and if I'm able to do it, I'd have to say that while I normally wouldn't want to attract as much attention as this would get, it'd be worth it just to fuck with people's perception, and it'd look badass from the stage. We'll see. Damn, that's freaky-ass real. 

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