Monday, July 5, 2021


I saw an ad on YT that reflects the utter insanity of the times we're living in. It showed a dude (I think) getting ready for a job interview. The gist of the deal was that employers are "encouraged" (and it'll probably soon become law) to hire members of the LGBQABC123🙃etc. community. I have no problem with that. 

 What I have a problem with is that it's being FORCED upon us, especially kids. Even my gay friends can see that. It shows the guy standing in front of the mirror, looking at himself deep in thought. Apparently he's deciding what gender he wants to identify as. He ends up putting on a business suit like a dude, but then he has makeup to make him look very feminine. He's up against a normal guy, and naturally he's the one who gets the job. It's bullshit.

 A mere ten years or so ago if someone showed up for an interview looking like that they'd have been told that the position was no longer available, and to seek help, and fucking rightly so. Nowadays if they DON'T hire these people they'll be penalized under the fullest extent of the law. Let me be perfectly clear...this is NOT hate speech. I don't hate ANYONE. Hate will eat you alive from the inside-out, and I don't carry hatred for ANYONE in my heart. What people choose to do with their bodies (and their minds) is none of my business, but I can't stand seeing that shit paraded around like it's normal. It CAN'T be and it never will be. Sorry, folks, that's just how it works. In fact I feel for these people; I just don't want to look at them. The above image truly is disturbing (and Satanic) to me. 

 The idea that someone can be a man one day and a woman the next is utter bullshit, and impossible, yet we're supposed to not only embrace it but to support it. Do people honestly think you can change your gender according to how you feel that day? How fucking stupid do you have to be? It's one thing to be gay, but to think you can change gender back and forth on a whim is preposterous. How did we even get to this point? Welcome to the Beast System. 

 That this shit is presented as normal just shows how sick we've become as a society. There are people who actually believe this bullshit. I'm assuming they flunked Science and Anatomy classes in school. And anyone who'd call this hate speech instead of logic have their heads so far up their asses that they can't get any oxygen to their brains. I love my gay friends every bit as much as my straight friends, and that will never change. And BTW not a one of them thinks they can swap genders. Smart.

 I've said before that people who study past civilizations, specifically what made them fail, say that in EVERY single case the last thing that happened before they crashed was a situation called "sexual ambiguity." If we're not there I'll eat my hat. If you support the notion that you can change your gender according to mood, you're a fucking fool. You are, and you deserve what's coming. Wake up, y'all. This is the truth. 

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