Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The "God Bless You" Test/Finding My People

Maybe it makes me sound like a crazy old fool...which, come to think of it, I am, but for the last several years, if I speak to anyone for more than just a quick hello in passing, I'll end by saying "God bless you!" I really do mean it sincerely, but it's also a test, to see their reaction. 

 As one might guess, most people lie somewhere in the middle. Some people sort of flatline and don't react at all. Some people nod and give a "smile of convenience." Some smile and say "You too." It's not clear what their beliefs are, but as always I support their right to believe whatever they wish. I'm laying my cards on the table, and by the way they react or don't react, they can't help but show their hand too. It's a fun little experiment, but it's serious too.

 Fortunately they're still in the minority, but some people have a negative reaction...everything from the silent treatment to a dismissive grunt to full-blown hatred. A few times it's gotten a little spooky to see how some people react to the name of God. A few people have tried to stare me down as if it's going to get violent. I feel like saying "My bad. Well, 'Hail Satan' then. Have a nice day," but I don't. Those are not my people.

 Then there are those who light up when they hear it. They're obviously glad to hear me say it. They're finding their people too. They'll say "God bless you too!" If they can say the name of God out loud, usually they're okay. Sometimes it leads to further conversation, which is always very enjoyable. These are my people. God bless you!


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