Sunday, July 2, 2023


I just now was scrolling through my contacts list and I got a chuckle. I haven't looked at it in a while, and in the last couple of months I've been adding all of these nurses that are coming over to help my mom recover from a broken femur. There's all these gals' names in there, and if you didn't know the story you might think I'm a playah, at least for an old guy. Lemme see...there's Anna #1, Anna #2, Brandy, Carol, Debra, Erica, Jackie, Katherine, LA, Leigh, Lindsey, Mary B, Rebecca, Stacy and Tonya. 

 It's pretty funny, even if half of them are random nurses. I realize that for some guys that amount of digits would be chump change, but that's probably about as many numbers as I've had on any list at any point in time. I mean...even in my prime I never could juggle too many more than that at once anyway. I'm kidding. All those sisters on my contacts list...I think it's funny. And...only half are nurses. I ain't deed just yet.


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