Friday, July 7, 2023


I just saw a video where this sister is complaining because she's single. Are you kidding me? She was looking for some guy to "step up to the plate" and ask her out. A fire-ass babe like this can't get a date? I don't understand. I also saw another video where another sister was complaining that there are very few men who are willing to play the "traditional masculine role" in a relationship. That's sad. 

 Is it because of all these people whining about "toxic masculinity?" I don't hear too many people bitching about "toxic femininity," but woman can be just as "toxic." Are all the "men" in her circle too busy boning each other? I mean, to each their own, but all this bullshit doesn't say much for the preservation of the species. 

 If I were younger I'd step up to the plate with two strikes to get with her. Maybe we're being trolled, but if she's serious, I'm gobsmacked. Speaking of gobsmacked...oh, never mind. I bet her comments section is lit up. It dang sure should be. Good luck, sister.

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