Saturday, July 22, 2023

Would They Get Mad at Google?

It's sad but true that we really do live in a shoot-the-messenger world, even among people you considered your closest friends. My friendship with two people I've been friends with forever was seriously damaged simply by me answering their questions, which happened to be the same. Granted it may not have been the answer they wanted to hear, but they brought it up. 

 There was a third person who asked the same question. She didn't know what the deal was, but she knew enough about the scene in general to not doubt it, and she certainly didn't get angry with me about it. She said it was a shame, and directed her anger at the system behind it, where it should be directed, not at me for answering her question. She was thinking with logic and not emotion. 

 They all asked about some lyrics in an artist's songs, and I told them what they were talking about. I said that a certain person at the center of what they were into was a truly evil person, acknowledged in their own words. Again, I only said it because they kept asking questions. I didn't say one thing different that they'd find for themselves on Google for maybe a minute longer than it took to ask me. Would they have gotten mad at Google? I doubt it. 

 Had I known how angry they'd get with me for answering a question exactly the same as Google would have, I'd have told them to Google it for themselves, but I never thought they'd be so upset with me about something I didn't do. I saw their eyes. They weren't angry with the person, or more importantly the people behind what they were into...they were angry with me. I knew immediately I should have told them to look it up. From their reaction it was obvious that it wasn't a good thing, but damn...I didn't do it. I'm not into that stuff.

 I didn't say that the artist was a bad person. I did say that what the artist was into was bad, and very bad, but again it's nothing that isn't public knowledge. I made it very clear that I still loved them and their music, even if I didn't love what they were into. I've always tried to separate an artist's music from their politics and all that bullshit, and they know that. They both got angry, hurt and dejected looks on their faces, and our friendships changed from that moment on. No more song questions. Next time, get mad at Google. 


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