Friday, July 28, 2023

Happy Trails to You #9: The Smoking Six-Shooter?

Now that you-know-what-trails have been declassified, shouldn't that make "Conspiracy Theorists" seem just a tad less conspiratorial? It should, and more than that we've been lied to all this time. You cool with that? Yes, they're a thing, and they have been for a long time. 

 Maybe 15 years ago people were saying that someone had gone back decades and inserted jet trails in old movies and TV shows, to make people think that they've been here all along.

 It sounded crazy and unlikely and labor-intensive and all, but I wouldn't put anything past these people so I couldn't just rule it out, even though most people laughed at the idea. I get that it sounds crazy, but this is Clown World. 

 The other night my mom was watching an old Gunsmoke episode I believe. Something caught my eye and I was extremely surprised to look up and see trails behind good ol' Chuck Connors. No, it wasn't the Rifleman. We don't have a DVD on the cable box so I had to grab my phone and snap a photo. On the screen they went across the whole sky, but you can tell what they are from this image. Is this the smokin' gun?

 Before you crack up, consider this...if they were shooting a show that took place in the 1800s, do you think they'd have left those in the original shot, and have jet planes flying above a horse and buggy? I seriously doubt it. If they were even there to begin with, do you think maybe they'd have waited for the sky to clear and reshot the scene, or let people know that it's a bogus TV show that was filmed in the 1960s with jet planes and not even care? You wouldn't think they'd have left them in the original shot, right? Either way they're busted. You can't ignore it. It's incredible. We're being bullshitted. Wake up. 

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