Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Forgotten Tunes: "Love Alone" (Utopia Goes Full Barbershop)

I ran across this tune again, and when I realized that I'd forgotten it I almost got mad at myself. I adore this tune, and it's awesome to see Todd and the boys going full barbershop on this one. Like I just said in the post about drummer Willie Wilcox, what I love about Todd is that, as famous as he is, he has no problem just being a member of the band and letting his guys shine, even putting some of their songs on his records. I can't say enough good things about Todd Rundgren.

 But this is bassist Kasim Sulton's song. For a bassist he's not a bad piano player. All those guys are not only blessed with great voices, but their ability to blend those voices is unusually good. The barbershop quartet vocals on this tune just blow me away. I'm so grateful that I was born with such a deep love of music. It's what's defined me to a large degree. Shoutout to God and my folks. Thanks y'all!

 Call me a nostalgic old fool, but I really miss the days when bands sang about love instead of hate and angst and hos and all that bullshit, like so many of them do now. Excuse me...I'm getting misty here...'k, I'm fine. If you want to know the state of things now compared to then...the 70s/80s that is, just compare song lyrics. 

 Want to see what's missing in most of today's world, and what might help fix it? Give this tune a spin. You'll be glad you did. Have a nice day. 

Listen >>> HERE. <<<


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