Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The New Biology

I've been wanting to leaf through a Biology book that's come out within the last couple of years. I wonder if they've been updated to include all this new information about gender, like how there are now dozens of variations, rather than the two we always thought there were, and how people can change, swap, blur, ignore, deny or otherwise manipulate their gender, depending on how they "identify" on any given day. Since the Laws of Physiology have been completely rewritten, I imagine the Biology books have too by now. I'm sure the parents have had to adjust too. 

This is an example of the "New Biology." This is a totally random person, one of many, relating an experience at the doctor, where they were "misgendered." This person at least wasn't unpleasant, uber-angry and completely off the rails like so many of them are. Some of them are fighting with their doctors over their perceived biological changes, without any procedures done, and sometimes it puts them at odds with proper care and such.

 You might think that they'd temporarily default back to the "old" biology when seeing a medical professional, but many refuse. It can out the doctors in a tough spot, the patients too, and it's understandable. It's one thing to be mis-pronouned, but to insist that your body is somehow different from what it is is a whole 'nother thing.

 In this person's case it was a "misgendering." With all due respect, and whenever I say that I really do mean it, based on patterns that have developed since the dawn of humans, I'd think this person is female...which, umm...actually she(?) is...except that this person doesn't "identify" as a female today, so...wtf...kneejerk, "she" and "her" would be the pronouns I'd use. I apologize.

 This person appears feminine, but somehow they aren't...at least for today...you say potato...let's call the whole thing off. Oh wait...we can't. The doctor made the same "mistake," and called this person by a female term, instead of their preferred pronouns of the day- "he" and "him." Oops, silly doctor. 

 In this case the doctor apologized and adjusted her pronouns, but it really traumatized this person, and that's just weird. If I accidentally called someone a term they didn't like, including gender-related terms, I'd call them by whatever they wished, no problem. How they get violently upset when it happens is beyond me, except to think that it might be a mental thing, although as always, I am not a doctor. 

 Take me for example. I have a name that's usually given to females, at least those born as such, and I've been "mis-gendered" all my life. Without getting into all the gender-variable here, people who still think in terms of there being only two genders, see or hear my name and think I'm a female. It's never bothered me a bit, and sometimes it's been hilarious. 

 Heck, people even used to tease me about it, and not like making a simple "mistake." There was no ill will from the good doc, although you'd have thought so from their reaction. If someone made a joke about me having a girl's name, I'd just laugh and make some girly comment. We'd get a laugh and I didn't go berserk and attack anyone. If some asshole calls someone a name...any name, that's one thing and it's wrong, but how can these people lose their minds over a mistake? 

 I've told this before, but one night I was in a livestream on YouTube. There were over 100 people in the chat, and I knew a couple-dozen of them. It was a Saturday night and several people had been drinking. I made a couple of comments that were funny I guess, but this one wasted guy thought I was a woman, and he started hitting on me. I played along for a few minutes, and it was fun because my friends in the chat knew that I'm a guy. Finally he asked if I'd marry him, and I said "I'm not that kind of guy." There was an instant string of LOLs in the chat. That was a lot of fun, and not some tragedy. 

Of course there weren't any real gender issues besides me having a girl's name, but maybe these people should relax a bit, realize that people make mistakes, and not freak out quite so much. They'd be much better off health-wise, no matter the gender. And speaking of gender, I really do want to read a recent edition of a Biology book. This new information is revolutionary. Surely it's in there by now. And stop calling me Shirley!

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