Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Sovereign Citizens?

Although it was started in 1970, which I didn't know, the Sovereign Citizen Movement seems to be getting a lot of attention lately. The name and the idea sound fine to me, but I haven't really looked into it that much. All I know about it is from what I've seen in videos recently, and so far I'm not "all in." 

 Instead of putting others down to feel better about myself, I sometimes watch really stupid people doing really stupid things, and Boom, I feel better. I see people, some drunk, getting pulled over and then making things a million times worse by acting like fools. Lately I've seen a lot of people try to pull the "sovereign citizen" thing. Guess how many times it's actually worked. 

 From what I see so far, "sovereign citizens" are numbnuts. They're arrogant assholes right out of the box...telling cops how to do their jobs and acting like they've done nothing wrong. And even if you're an attorney it doesn't do much good to try to argue legal issues with a cop. I guess it's sort of like people who think they can alter things by how they "identify." I guess these days we can all be anydamnthing we want just by declaring it. 

 Wiki lumped "Conspiracy Theorists" into the mix of their definition. Since I am one myself I'll have to look into it more, but I can say that I wouldn't go showing my ass to a cop and basically dare them to arrest me. Some of them will refuse to identify themselves and immediately cop an attitude, and then they'll refuse a lawful order to step out of the car. 

 They end up getting dragged from their cars, sometimes tased, cuffed and put into the back of a cruiser, adding multiple charges, all the while spouting bullshit about how the cops have no right to do their jobs and how their rights as "sovereign citizens" are being violated and how the cops don't know the "law" and blah-blah. Some of them aren't even drunk. The problem is that they're already in handcuffs and on their way to jail. So much for sovereignty. 

 I'm not excusing all cops for certain behaviors by any means, but in general they're following procedure that they're supposed to follow by law. Someone who's disrespectful and belligerent from the get-go isn't doing themselves any favors, and refusal to identify themselves can mean that there's something to hide.

 They usually escalate until they're in way more trouble than they needed to be, and if they do happen to have something to hide, their actions can be probable cause and they generally get busted. Like it or not we have to obey rules, and trying to pull rank on a cop usually doesn't go so well for the perp.

 I'll look into it more, since it is an interesting notion, and Wiki says that the SCM contains fellow "Conspiracy Theorists," although none of the ones I know would disrespect the police and act like morons. For one thing it's wrong, but they also have better things to spend thousands of dollars on, like food and rent and stuff, rather than on fines and court costs. Yeah, it sounds good by definition, but at this point I don't choose to "identify" with the SCM. Sounds like a bunch of dumbasses to me. 

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