Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Again, I don't see how these people are helping their cause in any way by behaving like this. He/she/it was giving a speech about all the usual stuff...acceptance, equality, pronouns and such, but all I heard was "Blah-blah-blah, I'm a fucking clown." How do they expect anyone to take them seriously, except for others who dress and act like them? Am I missing something? 

 For the millionth time, anyone who'd call this "hate speech" is an absolute moron. This is a very logical question. I don't hate anyone, and certainly not this person. Matter of fact I feel really sorry for them, because I know they're way more messed-up than normal people, and statistics prove it.

 The only things this person could say that I'd ever take seriously would be things like "Nun-clown tryouts will be held in the auditorium at 7," or "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" Couldn't they at least lose the face paint and the habit long enough to give their speech? It's almost like they're trying to prove how fucked-up they are. This world has lost its collective mind. 

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