Wednesday, August 2, 2023

"We're Coming for Your Children"

At what point do we say "Enough is fucking enough!" and open our eyes to what's going on? It's one thing that these people dress up like it's Halloween every day of the year and then shout shit over a megaphone and expect "normies" to take them seriously, but when they say shit like this, is it time to draw the line? If you're a parent and you support this shit, shame on you. As Pink Floyd once said, "Leave those kids alone!" 

 It's straight-up grooming, which is supposed to be illegal, but in this anything goes/accept everything world we live in, I guess it's okay now. And if anyone thinks this is "lgbtq+ bashing," rather than trying to protect our kids, then they need to pop their heads out of their asses so their brains can get some oxygen so they can think straight again. 

 These people are not only dressed like fools, but they're radical. Just hop on Tic Toc, or better yet a YouTube video showing a bunch of Tic-Tokers, all having complete meltdowns when they get "mis-pronouned." I have to wonder how they'd behave if a true crisis happened, but I guess to them it is. 

 It's a shame, and it's almost always an honest accident. It's rarely malicious, as they try to make it seem. They expect us to bypass eons of our brains automatically determining gender by visual cues, which now of course are all blurred. Not only that but their pronouns can change from day to day simply by how they feel that day, and we're supposed to keep up with their whims. This isn't "hate speech." It's calling out a joke on humanity and common sense. 

 Again, this is radical talk, and it's been said more than once. This kind of talk alarms me, and I don't have any kids. Why isn't this called "hate speech?" You'd think that if ANY group said "We're coming after your children" we'd take it as a very serious threat, right? Apparently these people get a pass. What's the deal with that?

Of course people have come out defending them, but it's the usual horseshit. Some said it was a "harmless" jab at anti-gay activists, whomever and wherever they might be, for trying to lump them in with Pedos, groomers and such, which is total bullshit, or that it was simply a "misguided joke." Right. Know what's a misguided joke? The clown with the megaphone. 

 Anyway, if nobody else gives a shit, I'm calling it out. THIS is hate speech. Leave our kids ALONE! 


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