Monday, April 5, 2021

WTF Update

[ ]I've been talking to some people about what happened to me on YouTube, when my channel name changed back and forth, and no one has ever heard of it happening. I got to thinking that what could've happened was that someone simply got my password somehow, and went in and changed my channel name while I was online. For one thing they'd have to have been monitoring me, and they'd have had to go back into all my videos and read every comment, and were really good at what they did, using the name "Look Around." They'd have had to know that using that name would flip me out, because if it were just a coincidence, it would be staggering. Why not change it to "Billy Bullshit" or something, and again, why me? [ ]Still I was thinking that that's maybe what happened, but when I thought about it I knew it was impossible. Like I said I always try to debunk things like this, but when it can't be debunked than you have to look for another explanation. Granted someone could've gotten my password and gone into my dashboard and changed my channel name. But to do it when I'd see it, they'd have had to know I was online at the time, and in a specific chat, and no one can monitor anything like that, and to use a name that specific would have meant that they were extremely clever. [ ]Even if that were somehow the case, it's still impossible. It'd be one thing to change my name, except that it wouldn't have changed back to my regular name when I hit refresh. It doesn't work that way. Seeing it change back a second or two later would be impossible. They couldn't change it that quickly, plus having it revert back to my original name when I refreshed the page is out of the question. It can't happen. [ ]So yeah, it was AI. It was the ghost in the machine. It's the only answer that makes any sense at all, no matter how crazy it sounds. And just becasue someone doesn't believe something doesn't mean it's not true. Some people would dismiss this out of hand, but they'd never be able to explain it, and that's the point. Someone or something was sending me a message, and one they knew would blow my mind. If anyone has another explanation I'd really love to hear it, but there isn't one. [ ]If the Good Book is true, then the Devil knows his time is short, and he's pulling out all the stops. This is a spiritual battle and not one of the flesh. Satan is in control of this world, for now anyway, and he's the father of lies. If this is true, than so is what I say constantly- that at least half of everything we've been told all our lives is complete bullshit. That's why I try to tell people that even if they don't believe a word I, and others say about what's going on and what will go on from here on out, which yet again I totally get, than I'd at least keep the idea in the back of my mind that maybe in reality things are the opposite of what we've all been told. That way if, God forbid, all this shit does happen, and if it does it will have nothing to do with what anyone says about it, then at least they'll not be taken utterly by surprise, but what people choose to believe is their business, and I respect their beliefs. [ ]If people still want to call me crazy that's fine. Twenty years or so ago I might have called me crazy too, but not any more. In my opinion the Bible is a roadmap for what's going on right now. It specifically mentions earthquakes, volcanoes and all the stuff that's happening with the Sun, Moon and stars, not to mention people becoming "lovers of self" and taking evil for good and vice-versa. It's all there, and you can read it for yourself, if you even own a Bible. It all leads up to the emergence of the Antichrist. Reed 'em and weep. Truth is stranger than fiction. No truer words were ever spoken. [ ]Like I just said, one day you may have to choose whom you'll serve, if you haven't already made that choice. I know whom I serve- the living God. Yeshua. Jesus Christ. The Devil knows that. We're all targets, but most people don't know that that's happening. In my opinion Satan is letting me know I'm in the crosshairs. It's a great honor. In the end the Devil can do whatever he wants to us, but he can't take out souls, and he knows that. And again, the truth is the truth, no matter what anyone's opinions or beliefs are. The truth stands alone. It doesn't care what you or I think about it. We'll see. I hope I'm dead-wrong and I WISH I were but I don't think I am. [ ]If this is real then the Antichrist should be making an appearance fairly soon. He'll perform many miracles, and many will be deceived into thinking HE's Jesus. Please don't fall for it. The REAL Christ won't appear until after the AC. Like my buddy Tut said, all you need to know, to not to be fooled, is that the first guy ain't the guy. Very well-said. Again, choose wisely, my friend. Have a blessed day.

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