Friday, April 16, 2021

"Robin's Package," or "They Don't Call Him the 'Boy Wonder' for Nothing" (click to enlarge, lol)

[ ]This cracked me up. I'm a hardcore Batman fan and trivia is always cool but I didn't hear about this until recently. As you can see in the photo Robin's tight tights left little to the imagination. Back in the early days of the original TV series people noticed, and somebody, I think maybe it was the Catholic Archdiocese, objected to seeing Robin'e worm, and either sued or threatened to boycott sponsors or whatever it was. I never looked below their Utility Belts thankfully and so I never noticed a bulge, but apparently a lot of people did, and from this photo, which happens to feature a pose that would best show off someone's goober, I can see how people picked up on it. Robin, aka "The Boy Wonder," and now I can see why, was played by Burt Ward, and Batman of course by Adam West. [ ]After the uproar the execs scrambled to try to address the package problem, and things got crazy. First they tried taping it down and squishing it in between his legs by using duct tape. They ran strips down from his stomach to his business, ran it through his legs and pulled it up from the other side. Ouch. After a day or two of filming he said "Fuck this" and so they had to come up with another idear. Adam West used to stuff socks and things into his tights just to get a rise out of everyone in the studio, and they say that one scene was filmed while he was augmented, and it made it past the censors and execs and everybody. I don't know if that's really true but I do hope it is. You'd think it'd be all over YouTube if it really happened. Maybe it is. Maybe he stuffed a pickle into his tights during filming when Robin was taped-down, to compensate for the Dynamic Duo's collective loss of pride. Who knows? [ ]What happened next is supposedly 100% true. They came up with these pills that were supposed to shrink his penis. Yikes. Needless to say, Mr. Ward was quite hesitant to take them, but after much cajoling, threatening, bribery and such he agreed. In about three days he woke up in a panic. The pills were actually making his dick smaller, apparently noticeably-so. Supposedly he stormed into the office and scattered the pills all over someone's desk and stormed out. I can't say I blame him. I wonder what the hell was in those things. A smaller penis in three days? No thanks. They relented and quit trying to make his dick go away, and simply shot his closeups from the waist-up from then on. One story goes that the gals in the studio chuckled a bit during the times Robin was taped, but they missed seeing his package and were glad to see the tape go. I bet they were also glad he stopped taking his goober-shrinking pills. That's like a man's worst nightmare. "Where's my DICK?!!!??" I don't reckon those Shrink-a-Dink pills ever came to market. That's worse than any villian Robin ever had to deal with (ZOK!). [ ]The above image is hilarious and I can see how certain people got all in a pickle over it. If I were Adam West I'd probably be stuffing my tights too. He didn't much like being upstaged by his sidekick, the Boy Wonder. Holy boner, Batman! I guess it also says something about Adam's package by what they DIDN'T have to do to him. Good thing he didn't take any of Robin's "cocktail frank" pills. He'd be like "I sure do need to pee, but I can't find my dick. CUT!" Who knew Robin's dingdong could cause so much of a stir? That was quite a subplot. In a show that was practically a cartoon it's funny to have something so real. "ACTUAL SIZE" as they say. We always thought that Robin was called the "Boy Wonder" because of his legendary crime-fighting abilities but now we know that wasn't it at all. It's a comedy within a comedy. I love it when things have layers.

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