Monday, April 26, 2021


There's a woman on YouTube who lately has been focusing on strange anomalies happening on webcams all over the world. She has a family and a garden and all that but she spends a lot of time looking at skycams and recording stuff, and her subs send stuff too. When I first found her channel I thought she was tripping, and seeing things in ordinary rain drops or whatever. Like people are so quick to say "Lens flare!" when someone takes a photo of anomalies near the Sun. I thought "Bless her heart, she's tripping-out," but then I got to thinking about all the freaky anomalies we've been seeing on satellite imagery and such, so I watched a few more of her vids, with an open mind. I'm a skeptic first and you have to be, and Rule #1 is to try to debunk something, but at the same time if you don't truly have an open mind, and not just say you do, there's no point in even looking into anything weird. Just call it bullshit and go about your day. That's cool. [ ]It also occurred to me that I've also been watching skycams myself over the last several years, and I've seen plenty of water drops, ice, snow, mud, bugs, lizards and even the occasional bird who lands on the camera and looks straight into the lens, which is awesome, but I hadn't seen anything like what she was catching. Then I saw some things that most definitely weren't water drops. I started taking screenshots of some of her vids because what she was showing was pretty amazing. She goes live when she catches something so people can see it in real-time. She had several things showing Devil's Tower, and what looked like a formation of bluish orbs above it. Those weren't raindrops. It wasn't raining. [ ]I'm not sure where or when the above image is from, but it's recent. It looks like it could just be camera noise or a glitch or possibly radiation, but again all these things are fairly recent, and quite different from the raindrops and bugs I've ever seen anyway. I kinda like this image, no matter what it is. It looks like a school of interplanetary catfish. Most of them are going faster than the speed of light, so their bodies are elongated, but a couple of them have banked at a 45-degree angle and dropped to sub-lightspeed. They're going on a scouting mission maybe. She's also captured several objects streaking across the sky at incredible speeds, and they aren't birds, planes or Superman...or water drops. I've gotten several screenshots of some of that stuff and it's pretty compelling. This is a random image and I just like it. [ ]The kicker is that YouTube just deleted all but a handful of her vids without even giving a reason, and that's new. Censorship marches on. As a certain "genius" told me when I mentioned YT censorship a few years back, "YouTube can do anything they want. It's their platform." Right, Captain Obvious, we know that already, and that's not the question. WHOM are they deleting, and WHY? Genius, my ass. If it was just some middle-aged woman pointing her phone at the computer screen, and doesn't understand the concept of getting a cheap tripod and turning her phone horizontally, and she's just filming raindrops, why should they care. They're losing ad revenue by deleting her vids, and it's obvious that most people would think she's lost it anyway and it's pure comedy. Why would her videos be deleted without a peep out of YT? To most people I'm sure it looks like Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood on acid. Any way you slice it it's entertainment. Why delete it? She's sweet as pie, but I know that doesn't count. [ ]But a much bigger kicker is that when these anomalies appear on these skycams and satellite feeds, those parts, like what she captures, are scrubbed from the archives, and the timestamps match perfectly. That should tell you something. It does me. People know things are going to be scrubbed so they basically pull up these sites, hit record and record them 24/7, so they can go back and see what they catch, and what's scrubbed. I have screenshots from some of her vids that were taken down. Many times something is happening in real-time and the feed will cut, which almost never happens when nothing's going on. I've also got lots of images of all sorts of crazy things in space, and I'll pou a few up. It's stuff that's mostly been scrubbed. Again, I wonder why...and speaking of why, why should YouTube care in the least about some woman looking at raindrops and saying they're plasma beings, and that clouds are really cloaked UFOs and all this crazy-sounding shit, if there's not something to it? There's no other reason in the world. Wake up. More to come...

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