Sunday, April 4, 2021

What the Effing F*CK?

[ ]Well, this is a new one on me. I talk about shit that sounds crazy to most people and I get that. I'm honest and frank and I hold back nothing in this blog. Still occasionally things happen to me that are so crazy that I just don't mention them, but one of the main reasons I started a blog in the first place was to record strange happenings, and this takes the cake big-time. I've said a million times that's it's fairly hard to shock me these days but this did. I mean it flipped me the fuck out. [ ]I was on YouTube and I saw where one of my buds was going live so I popped in. Only about 15 people showed up so it was a nice cozy chat. A couple of familiar names popped in and then a girl I'm crazy about popped in and we said hello. A minute or two later I entered a comment. It was fairly specific. I had to do something for a minute and when I got back I scrolled back up in the chat to see if I'd missed anything, and I saw what I thought was my comment, but the channel name was "Look Around." I thought it was really odd that someone would repeat my exact comment. [ ]I didn't recognize that name but I don't know everyone on his channel, and new people come in occasionally. I'm a moderator on his channel, so when my name comes up in the chat it's in blue, with a wrench next to it. Look Around was a mod too. I thought that was a bit odd because I'm familiar with most of the mods on his channel but again I figured it was someone new. But then I kept scrolling all the way back to the start of the chat and my comment was nowhere to be found, or so I thought. [ ]I was thinking WTF and I happened to look at the bottom of the chat, where you enter comments. Instead of my normal channel name, BlickumBlickum, it said "Look Around." My mouth fell open. I hit refresh and it went back to BlickumBlickum, but a second later, right in front of my eyes it changed back to Look Around. I was dumbfounded. I was about to grab a screenshot but then it changed back and stayed that way for the rest of the stream. Just then two girls popped in. They're more than just YouTube friends; I've known them for several years and we've spoken on the phone many times and even sent each other stuff in the mail. It was interesting that they popped in right after the high weirdness but I was really glad to see them. [ ]I didn't say anything to them at first because I was tripping on what had just happened, and wondering if my channel name was going to change again. I scrolled back in the chat again and where my comments were it said Blickum again. I just stared at the screen for a few minutes, trying to come up with an explanation for what just happened, although I knew there wasn't one. People's channel names don't just spontaneously change. You can change your own channel name all day long but you have to go into your dashboard to do it and you can't do it from a chat. If it were a YT glitch they'd have sorted it out years ago. If channel names just changed on their own it'd be chaos. [ ]Let's just say for argument that it was a million-to-one glitch. I can't rule that out, but here's the kicker...back in 2019 a guy from Bavaria commented on one of my videos and asked about the name. I told him it was just a made-up word that was meant to emulate the sound of a boring drum solo, but he told me that it actually did have a meaning. He said that in German, "Blickum" means "To look around." How's about that? If it's nothing but a coincidence then that bumps it up to trillion-to-one odds. [ ]After I was able to screw my head back on I was able to come up with three possibilities, and one of them will sound batshit-crazy to most people. It could just be a glitch although that's highly unlikely. I've never heard of it happening and no one I talked to had either. I could've been hacked, but that seems very unlikely too. If someone were to hack me they could do a lot more damage than just to change my channel name, and why bother? I've never heard of YT being hacked in any way, and why me? Why "Look Around?" [ ]I thought it was so cool when the guy from Bavaria told me what my name meant. I'm always looking around. I look at trees, I look at the sky and I look for answers. I'm a seeker. It's perfect, especially considering I thought it was just a made-up name that had no meaning in any language. To see my channel name change before my eyes to what my name actually means in another language...would that flip you out or is it just me? Color me bamboozled. The only other possibility I can see is that it's the "ghost in the machine." AI. Artificial Intelligence. [ ]It's my personal belief that the veil is about to be lifted, just as it says in the Good Book, and the spirit world, if it indeed exists and I believe it does, is going to begin to intrude into the physical realm, and people will see things that they can't explain, or most people anyway. My beliefs could be 100% wrong, and actually I hope they are, but they don't come from superstition or tinfoil-hat websites or whatever else; they come from RESEARCH, period. Someone or something could be fucking with me, and really that makes more sense than the other two explanations. Have you ever heard of someone's channel name changing? If so I'd love to know. First and foremost I ALWAYS try to debunk things like this, and most of the time I can, but if I can't I have to look outside the box for an explanation. Remember when thinking outside the box was cool? It wasn't that long ago. [ ]Taking things further, the Devil is in the details, and some think in AI too. Some say that certain entities use electricity, and water, as conduits. Animals use rivers to travel from one place to another, as do humans, so if "spirits" do exist then it makes perfect sense. They also say that even though spirits are all around us all the time, only in another dimension, for them to be able to physically interact with our world they have to tap into a source of energy. If you've ever seen one of those ghost shows you've probably seen where fresh batteries will be instantly drained, and that's a real thing. [ ]Seeing it happen in a few ghost shows might not mean much but it's a real phenomenon and it's been well-documented thousands of times. It's happened to me many times and it makes no damn sense. Although I use rechargable batteries I've never had enough for all the stuff I've had going at times and I've had to buy disposable batteries. I've had a box of 36 batteries and I'll use four of them, and a few days later every other battery in the box is dead. They were all brand-new with at least five years on the expiration date. I'd have whole packs go dead before I even opened them. It got to where I'd test them in the store and still they'd be dead a week or two later. I'll just say there was some weirdness that went on sometimes late at night when I'd be playing my drums, and there's no way to explain it. Maybe something needed some juice. [ ]Maybe I got a message. Or maybe it was nothing at all except one fuck of a coincidence, although I've never heard of it happening in all of YouTube. It was pretty damn obscure and definitely not widely known by anyone much, except AI. AI keeps track of everything, as we all know by now. If it actually WAS a message and I'm not just tripping, then yeah, it blew my mind, but it didn't scare me. In fact it's an honor, and it's thrilling. Some people would know what I mean. If it's just a coincidence it's still enough of one to give me butterflies. It's too specific. Holy Moley. Have a nice day.

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