Friday, April 9, 2021

It's a #s Game: Straight A's in Maths

I love how they call it "Maths" in England. I love numbers. Numbers are elegant and beautiful, and I enjoy looking at them. I believe they also have energy or power sometimes. 666 is an obvious number that can cause a stir in many people. I get a kick out of it when it pops up randomly, and I keep track of some of that in this blog. Numbers are nothing to be afraid of, although the number 666 strikes fear in some people (insert "air" devil horns here). Speaking of all that I was intrigued to learn that numbers are also a way of communication, especially among the elites, and they take their numbers very, very seriously. [ ]Junior year in high school I had a 100 average in Math. Perfect. It was only Algebra but I was the only one in school with a hunj. I'll never forget the last friend Chase, who had a 99, and I sat at the front of the class, only with our desks turned to face each other. We played cards, mostly Spades, nearly every single day. The teacher knew we knew the shit and she didn't care. The only interaction we ever had with her or the class was when someone got called to the board to work a problem and got stuck. The teacher would say "Excuse me, but could one of you please give a little help?" We'd put down our hands and look at the board for a second or two to catch up with what was going on, and one of us would go to the board and show them how to solve it, and go back to our game. [ ]That was classic, but still I can't claim to be a math wiz in any way, because I had to drop Calculus, much to my dismay. Somehow they'd scheduled me with another class that I couldn't miss, so I missed the first week or so of Calculus, and I couldn't catch up. Missing just those few days made me unable to grasp the bridge between it and Algebra, and even though the teacher was surprised and tried to work with me a bit I just didn't get it and I dropped it. I was too busy with school and God knows how many extracurricular activities I was involved in to get tutored. I wish I'd done that. I'd like to know it more now, and it also hurt my grades in Physics. I understood the concepts completely but when it came to working problems on tests that involved Calculus I was stuck. [ ]Still I did okay up until then. Maybe that accounts for my love of numbers but I'm sure it started before then. I had a Secret Decoder Ring when I was a little kid, and me and my buddies would send coded messages to each other in class. We were secret agents. That's what we did before cellphones. I've said this before but for most kids who grew up in church the teaching was that "Numerology" and everything associated with it are evil and should never be approached. I didn't really buy that but I did take some of it to heart. It did delay me getting into it for a long time. NUMBERS aren't evil. It's how you use them. Like they say...salad shooters don't shoot salads...PEOPLE shoot salads. [ ]I just glanced at the time and it's 11:11. That's a coincidence but it's interesting when I'm doing this post. I haven't checked the time since around 7:30. Great coincidence. 11:11 is a very powerful number, to "both sides." I won't go into all of its meanings because there are many, but to the "society" people, 11 is a "master number." Multiples such as 22, 33, 44, etc. are also very important to these folks. I dig those numbers myself, a lot. Even I know what they represent to these people, which isn't always good, I still love looking at them. If nothing else they're certainly symmetrical. [ ]I love the number 13, although that's another one that registers high on some people's Spookometer. It's a combination of two extremely powerful numbers, and two of my favorites, 6 and 7. Those are high-ranking numbers, although lots of numbers are. Just like in my decoder-ring days, numbers are still used to communicate words today. The study of "Numerology" allows you to look into how it works and what they're saying. It's fascinating. I also have to say I like the number 666, even knowing it's the "Beast" number. I also really dig 333, and to a bit lesser degree 999. [ ]I do like the phrase I came up with back in the day when a good-looking female would walk by- "Man, that's about .999 fine." Ha-ha, I was hilarious. Oh, and the song "99" by Toto. What a great tune. Then there's the perky and beautiful Agent 99 from the TV show Get Smart. Woof. There's "99 Ways to Die" by Megadeth. And we can't forget "99 Luftballoons." I wish I had a penny for everything I've seen that costs 99 cents. They'd never have missed those pennies, and I'd be sitting on the largest copper and zinc deposits on the planet. The 99 list goes on and on. Honorable mention and a shoutout goes to the number 55, which was immortalized in the classic song line "I can't driiiiiiiiiiiiiive...55!" I heard that. [ ]Some people are way more into numbers than I am. There's a guy on YouTube who was one of the first people I subbed. He made the slope of the "rabbit hole" I'd been going down for a while a little more steep and slippery. Of course everything is subjective, but he gives his interpretation of what these numbers mean based on traditional meanings, and ties them into world events, and what these people are communicating to each other. It's called "hiding in plain sight," and it's a real thing, whether people are aware of it or not. He explains the math- addition, subtraction and reduction, which is again subjective, because you can stop at any number in the process without reducing it all the way to the lowest number you can get. [ ]For instance you can take a pretty big number and reduce it down to 13 by adding all the digits together one by one, and then adding the resulting number together (reducing) until you arrive at 13. If you took a big number and added the digits individually and they added-up to, say, 931, you add 9+3+1 and get 13. Bingo. But then if you reduced that you'd get 1+3=4. That's as small as it goes. There's room to massage the numbers sometimes but they're definitely consistent, and the amount of "coincidences" as to how they tie in to current events comes at you like a swarm of gnats. As I've said before there's a term for it that I should know, that says that when the number of "coincidences" reaches a certain point you must begin to treat it as fact, explainable or not, and Vegas oddsmakers will actually give odds on stuff like that. You can bet your ass they bet on a hell of a lot more than sports. [ ]What's in a number? A lot more than most people know. It's full-grown adults still playing with their Secret Decoder Rings (which granted I'd still do), only on a much more sophisticated scale. It's a trip and really interesting to look into, and again it's 100% real, at least for some people. Numbers are a language unto themselves, just like symbols, but that's quite another story. Rikki don't lose that number. Numbers are also frequencies, and on the smallest scale, EVERYTHING in the Universe is a frequency. Each number represents a freqency, or a note, whether or not it's in our audible range. It's a trip to go to a live show where they do spots that really push the bass frequencies; like the drums and such at Dead shows back in the day, down below 20 Hertz, our low-limit of hearing range, and you can't really hear the notes (frequencies) but you can damn sure feel them. All those notes, pitched or not, add up to a certain frequency, and the scale goes on almost to infinity above and below our hearing range. [ ]Then there's the number 3. They say that good things come in threes. We've always said that 3 is the "magic number," and I think there's something to that. Three is one of the heavy numbers too, and again to both sides. 3 is everywhere. It's a famous number. It's a "mellow" number, and to those who are bothered by certain numbers, it's fairly unprovocative to most people I think. I certainly like it. Trying to pick a favorite number would be like trying to pick my favorite can't be done. But 3 is a good one. You could bring up stuff that starts with threes all day long. [ ]Three Amigos, My Three Sons, Three Muskateers, third and long, threepeat, Three Stooges, Knock Three Times (on the Ceiling if You Want Me), and I just have to say this on that subject..."Twice on the pipes (DINK-DINK) if the answer is no." That's too much. Anyway there's three strikes you're out. I love the saying "Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left. There's Third Stone from the Sun. Third time's the charm, ...three's company, the show Three's Company, The Three Bears, three-bean doesn't quit, and of course there's the Holy Trinity, where you're using the traditional term or what it means in Cajun cooking- onions, green bell pepper and celery. I'm free[associating here but it's fun. Good for the brain. It's a muscle you know. It needs to be exercised, and that's a fun way to do it. Use it or lose it. More people should really take that to heart, but fuck it...why THINK about it when you can just Google it, right? [ ]Don't even get me started on the number 8. It's a mofo of a number, with symmetry within itself, like 0 or 3. It represents Infinity in more ways than one, and all you have to do is turn it on its side to see that. It's a "perfect" number. It represents God to some people, and many other things to many others. Again it's subjective. "Eight-ball rollin'" is one of my favorite sayings. It means "Shit's about to happen," and it certainly applies to today. 8 is a badass number. "Doink...I couldda had a V-8." [ ]Last but not least there's the number 1. The beginning. The Alpha. Numero Uno. Where it all began. Step one. "One is the Lonliest Number" by Three Dog Night. Is that true? For some it is. Rule #1. First place. You're #1 in my book. Suqare one. That's a big one, so to speak, lol. "Go with your first choice. 1+1=2...or 3 as the case may be. We are one. One and done. One of everything. Sonny, One So True, I Love You, A silly millimeter longer, 101, one chance to get it right...I'm free-associating again but that's what I do. 1 is wonderful number. It's a good place to start. What's the point of this post? Hell if I know, but numbers are cool. Numbers are useful, and not just in Maths. They've taken out clocks in classrooms because kids can't read then. Great idea...reinforce the dumbing-down of America. That's a thing too. Think about it. [ ]I've seen a few jewelers who make modern versions of decoder rings for adults, including some in sterling. If I had money to burn it might be fun to have another one. It's been a long time. Numbers rock. That old TV show Multiplication Rock said it way back then, and I believed it. It had a killer theme song. Numbers are fun to play around with, and they can come in handy. I may have been a bit of a math geek but I was definitely a dork back in those days, and I still am to this very day. The playing cards in class thing might have been pretty dorky but it was a fun memory, not to mention class went a hell of a lot faster, and being able to do whatever we wanted but still be able to help another kid here or there was a badge of honor. In any case, have a nice day, and count your blessings. [ ]EPILOG: I just published this post and looked at the time and it's 1:11. I'll be danged. What a coincidence, eh? There was a glitch in the Blogspot OS that set the time to Pacific Time and I never got around tochanging it back, so it will show the time of this post as 11:11. Ain't that some shit?

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