Thursday, April 15, 2021

Things I'm Not Totally Cool with Around Here

[ ]I recently mentioned the downstairs neighbor, and what a cool cat he was. That's true, but after talking to him it dawned on me that he's the same guy I mentioned last year, who had apparently lost it to some degree and was trying to chop down a huge 50' pine tree with an ax. Luckily I managed to talk him down without having to call the cops, although it was touch-and-go for a minute. When he calmed down he seemed completely nice and normal and he didn't seem to be the least bit drunk or high, which I actually thought was weird, because people don't generally do things like that. { ]The night that happened was dark and he was wearing a hoodie and I didn't get a good look at his face. Soon after that he had a wicked fight with his girlfriend. She was screaming bloody murder and I heard two bangs that were so violent they shook the walls. I was picking up the phone to dial 911, and literally pick something up that I could swing at someone and go downstairs, because I thought someone's head could've been banged against the wall, but then he yelled "CUT IT OUT!" and thankfully it stopped. I was coming back from a walk a bit later and saw her pass by dragging two huge suitcases and that's the last I saw her. The reason I didn't connect that it was that guy is because he apparently flipped out a little after she moved out, and he went back home to Chicago for a while. The unit went dark for a couple of months and I thought maybe he'd moved. [ ]I got to thinking about it and from what I remembered the facial hair matched. He was very well-mannered and well-spoken, just like the night when he calmed-down after I thought he'd lost his mind, for the rest of the evening anyway. He'd gone from doing something out-to-lunch to perfectly normal, like nothing odd had happened. Like I said he was "awake," and I DON'T mean "woke." We got to talking about spiritual things. I didn't mention this before because most people don't believe it and would think it was crazy, and fair enough, but it means something to me and it ties in with the other incidents. [ ]He said he didn't believe in "God" per se, but he believes in some sort of higher power, and he definitely believes in unseen things, or in his case, seen. He said he's had a "shadow friend" since he was a kid. Alarm bells went off as he told the story. Some say the shadow thing is demonic and I'd not disagree, although I don't know if he sees it that way...probably not. He said the "shadow being" made its first appearance when he was around three I think he said, and it scared the shit out of him at first but they've since become "friends," and it's been with him ever since. He said it still scares him sometimes, and when it "gets inside him" he sometimes gets aggressive. [ ]What I witnessed the night of the ax would bear that out. I passed by the poor tree today. It has a 10" hole in the bark and it's dripping sap all the way to the ground. He was a maniac one minute but calm and rational the next. That freaked me out a bit and made no sense. I did have to talk him down but then he was totally cool. Maybe I talked the shadow out of him too. Several times I've heard him slamming doors and the other day he was screaming shit at no one in particular...unless maybe it was his shadow buddy. Speak of the Devil I just took a walk break and saw him outside. He smiled and waved and said hello and was as nice as he could be. Anyway he said his friends can see the change come over him sometimes and it spooks them. I guess so. He said that when "it" takes him over it makes him say his name differently. His name is Kobe, and normally he says it like the baller, "KO-bee," but when the shadow is driving he pronounces it "Ko-BAY." Whatever...sounds like a "mulitples" deal to me. That's never good, and can be a sign of some sort of early abuse. Not good. [ ]He said that sometimes the thing follows him and other times it hangs out and waits for him to get home. How comforting. I asked him if it was downstairs right now, and he said "Uh-huh." Great. Some people will automatically say he's just plain looney-tunes, and that demons and all that are a load of crap, and I get that. It does sound crazy. But from what I've read for decades and actually experienced myself once or twice, I think there's something to it, and nobody can prove that the spirit world isn't real any more than I can prove it is. Although my beliefs do enter into it, I form my opinions as to whether it's real or not strictly on observations, nothing more, nothing less. [ ]I've mentioned this before but I can't remember if I actually published the post, but some nights I feel a "darkness" that seems to just drop over the area. I noticed it not long after we moved in. My friend Jerry lived here for two years and moved out the month before we moved in. He lived by the entrance and the main pool and hot tub, and back then they were happening all year long and he got to know lots of people. I mentioned it to him and asked if I was just imagining things and he said "Oh, no. It's there man. I thought you might feel it." Jerry's not overly-religious, and this stuff's not as big of a deal to him as it is me, but he believes in God and the Devil too. He told me that lots of Pagans, witches and even some Satanists live here, and the energy is real. [ ]Something really weird happened here on October 30th, about three months after we moved in. I was about to go for a walk and I'd just gone out the door. A woman in her early-20s came down from the floor above and passed me. If I had to describe her I'd have to say that, minus the pointy hat, she was the best (and smokingest) definition of "witch" I'd ever seen. She was about 5-8 ot a bit taller, with straight black hair to her waist, and it appeared to be her natural color, green eyes and she was wearing a black dress and heels. Jet-black. Her dress was really nice, and thin. It appeared to be cotton, my favorite, and it hugged every nanometer of her body like it was made for her. Speaking of, I'd grade her body as a solid VFWSHN, or "Virtually Flawless Without Seeing Her Naked." She was remarkable, and I just thought maybe she'd stopped by a friend's on the way to a Halloween party, but then it got weird. [ ]She walked down the steps and right by me as I was closing the door. She looked right at me and I smiled and said hello, but she ignored me and kept walking. Oh, well...maybe sister was having a bad day. But when she got to the end of the breezeway she stopped and turned and stared back at me. I thought maybe she was waiting to ask me something but she just stood there glaring at me as I approached her. It really wasn't a friendly look, and I "vibed-out" on it right away. I held her gaze and walked toward her. "Is there something you need?" I asked. She scowel and said nothing. "Do I know you?" No response. By then she'd been staring at me long past the point of normal. Don't get me wrong...I've had women stare at me for a while, but usually they either want to do me, or they're really mad at me, or they're blasted on whatever, but never have I been stared at with a look of such negativity. She looked like she truly didn't wish me well at all. If there's really such a thing as the "Evil Eye," that was it. When I got even with her I looked at her and said "Maybe I DO know you." I think she may have gotten my drift, if she's the real thing, that is. [ ]As I passed she turned and watched me go. It was beyond obvious by then. And I get pranks and shit like that, not to mention it was almost Halloween, but that wasn't normal. What was a drag was that she was really fine, and I mean exceptional. At first when I saw her staring my mind foolishly flashed for a second to thoughts that she was staring at me for one of the aforementioned reasons, and preferrably the first. Maybe she had a "daddy" thing, or in my case a granddaddy thing, and maybe she was up for a little game of Hide the Salami or whatever, but that wasn't the look I was getting at all. Curses! She kept staring for a long time as I walked away. She got her money's worth out of that Mojo session or whatever the fuck it was. She didn't appear to be drunk or high but it's possible I guess, but even so, people don't stare like that if they're not trying to prove a point or send a message, or so I think. [ ]I rounded the corner still wondering WTF that was all about, and here she cam driving by in her car. She had her window down and she was going as slowly as the car would go and still be moving. She had the same unwelcoming look on her face, and she turned her head as far as she could, even when she was past me. I almost expected it to turn a full revolution or two, like in The Exorcist. Actually that'd have been interesting. She drove as close to me as she could and stared at me without blinking. I smiled and said "Have a nice day!" and I blew her a kiss. After all she was hot. Very. But mostly weird. [ ]So, what's the story? Elephino, but I have my opinion. Certainly you could say she was drunk or high, but again that doesn't usually induce evil staring contests for no reason. She was walking perfectly down stairs in heels and on a wooden walkway. Her eyes were clear, and very beautiful too. She wasn't wasted. It was early in the day, plus she was driving. No guarantees, but I think she was dead-sober. You could say it was some sort of disorder that makes people stare, but I didn't get that vibe at all. I mentioned it to a friend who has a double-master in Psychology and works with kids and young adults with all sorts of issues, and she said that if someone stares at someone else it's usually not with malice. It does happen, but it's rare and those people are watched more closely. She asked me if the girl wanted to jump me and I told her sadly no. You can bet your boots I've ended up leaving a Halloween party with more than one sister who was dressed like a witch. Not this time. [ ]If you generally rule out those things, then you still have to ask "What the fuck?" and "Why me?" Indeed, why me? What'd I do? I'm not saying she's a witch, but practicing witches very much do exist, whether some people think there's anything to it or not. Some say that a true witch can spot a "Christian" from a mile away, and usually much easier than the other way around. That witchy-woman sure gave me the hairy eyeball, but I looked right back into her eyes the whole time. If she's the real deal then she knows that the name of the one I serve is greater than that of the one she serves. It doesn't mean she can't fuck with me, and that she did, even driving out of the way just so she could drive by and stare at me some more. Most curious. [ ]Maybe she was just having a really, really bad day and I was just the closest target. Maybe she was just going to a Halloween party and was practicing being unfriendly and fucking with people. Maybe she simply had me mistaken for somebody who fucked her mom or whatever, and she was mad at the wrong guy. Maybe she's really a serial killer, or maybe she just hates men. That's some serious hate if so. Maybe she was completely whacked-out on dope or in the middle of an alcohol blackout. Maybe she just damn didn't like me. She sure got my attention. I say she was the real deal and trying to hit me with that Hoodoo that she do so well. Between the feeling I've gotten a few nights and after Jerry telling me that actual witches live here, it's totally possible. If so ahe did a damn good job of trying to psych me out, but she was simply letting me know that she hated me because of whom I serve. [ ]Whatever the case she didn't scare me but the creep factor was off the charts, especially when she drove past me staring like the kids in that classic movie "Village of the Damned." I did say a prayer, in case she was really what I thought she might be, both for protection and that maybe she'd have a change of heart one day. It couldn't have hurt. What a shame...she was fine. So to recap, there's a rare but powerful feeling of evil here every now and then, there was a possible witch who hyper-scoped me and maybe tried to cast a spell on me, and for good measure there's a possible "shadow being" that lives right below me. It's Halloween all fucking year around here.

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