Thursday, February 4, 2021

Beast Numbers/The Daily 6ullshit: 6uild 6ack 6etter

[ ]Well, well, well y'all...look what the cat brought in- "6uild 6ack 6etter." I'm shocked/not shocked. I'm shocked because they're showing their ass, and the one they serve, for all to see, but I'm not shocked because some people believe that the Devil is quite real, and for now is in control of this world. I haven't looked into it extensively yet because I just heard about it, but even without the blatant 666 part it's just more social-conditioning. It deals with the so-called "Great Reset," and they've added "The Great Awakening" to the narritive. It's 6ullshit. [ ]I searched on it and came across a short vid on YouTube that I'd recommend everyone watch. The list of "luminaries," all repeating the phrase "Build back better," is impressive. It's on YouTube under "6uild 6ack 6etter." It has everyone from Obama to Biden saying we're going to "Build back better." It should also clearly show people how the 6ullshit works, but most refuse to even consider the possibility that we're being influenced in any way. It sounds encouraging but how can a world with less be better? Repetition is the simplest form of brainwashing. Look it up. The video shows them all saying the same thing, as if somehow it's a good thing, when in fact it's a very, very bad thing, but if they repeat it enough, most people will simply accept it and even think it's a good thing, just like some shitty song that you hate at first but after hearing it over and over on a TV show or the radio you eventually accept it, and then learn to like it. Lather, rinse, repeat. [ ]That's one thing, and we see it every day, but now the Satanists are putting their stamp on it. It's clever graphically and all, but here's that number again. That's how they roll. The thing is they used to keep this stuff secret but now it's out in the open. They don't try to hide it any more. Besides, 666 is really becoming a thing, in fashion, culture, music and everywhere else. Just wait...we're going to be seeing the number 666 more and more as time goes on, and it has nothing to do with anyone's beliefs or lack thereof. Mark my words. Call it another "prediction" if you like. BTW for those keeping score I'm batting .1000 on my "predictions" so far. One-point-zero-zero-zero, baby. [ ]The Good Book says that there will come a time when a light will be shone upon the darkness. I say we're there, and this 6uild 6ack 6etter thing is living proof. Just look at the sick-ass "fritophiles" who've been arrested (and "suicided" too) so far. That's just the tip of the iceberg. These people, admired to the hilt by so many, are in reality some sick, evil fucks. Evil operates in the dark, and light overcomes darkness. It's Physics. [ ]While "Great Reset" translates into "Get used to a much shittier life," there's something to the "Great Awakening" part. The Good Book mentions it too. It also says "People perish from lack of knowledge," and I have to say "Amen" to that. I think about it every time I tell somebody something they haven't heard, and tell them to look into it but they say "I don't NEED to look into it." Okay then. If one side of the story is cool, then fine. I always heard there were two sides to every story. [ ]So here they are putting 666 onto a celebrity campaign designed to 6ullshit people into thinking that a shittier world is somehow a good thing, while at the same time clearly showing the one they serve. It's not just a cute logo. And I'm not dumping on anyone except the Devil. What people do is their own biz and none of mine, and I support their right to express themselves as long as no harm is done. [ ]The 666s just keep on coming, and again, just watch...we'll be seeing it a lot more in the coming years. In fact I wish I had a dollar for every time I've seen a shirt with 666 on it being worn by some celeb and even people in public around here. I'd have at least $666. I've been saying for a long time that these people show their true colors if you dig into their scene just a little, but now they're showing us to our faces. There's no guessing any more. It's in the open. They don't care who knows. If the Good Book happens by some miracle to be true then the afterlife might be a bitch for some of these fucks, but we'll have to wait and see. [ ]Whether any of this bothers you or not it should at least show what's up. It's not a joke. And it might lend a bit more cred to what some people have been saying for a long time...the Beast System is coming, and now it's here. Or not. After all, 666 is just a number that falls between 665 and 667, although lots and lots of people, myself included, attach great meaning to it. It actually frightens many people but I get a kick out of it. Knowledge is power. No fear. Have a nice day.

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