Monday, February 22, 2021


[ ]Recently I've taken a few "IQ teats" on YouTube videos. I've never taken an official IQ test, and these certainly aren't, but I'm guessing I'd score somewhere in the "Upper-Dumbass" range. I did okay in school and had straight-As in Math, English and Science all through school, but I don't know how much that actually matters. I aced one test that guaranteed you wouldn't get more than 7 out of 10 right, which was just clickbait. It didn't seem all that hard really. I had to guess at one but I got all 10 right. A few of the questions on some tests were over my head completely, and stuff like that is why I could never be considered a genius in any way. But on most of the tests I did better than I'd have thought. [ ]They say that truly intelligent people don't try to brag on it. I think it's true. Most Mensa members would never think of bringing up the fact that they're Mensa members in conversation, to try to impress someone. The few that do are regarded as egotistical, narcissistic douchebags by everyone else. Anyway I just took another test that popped up in my feed. It said something like "If you get 10/10 your IQ is 130+." It was more clickbait, but I already knew the answer to the question in the thumbnail so I decided to take the test. The question I saw was just a trivia question about a famous 60s movie. I thought it had much more to do with how old you were than your IQ, but I took it anyway. I missed the first question, no clue, and thought "I really AM a dumbass," but then I got the rest correct, and I have to admit it was a little exciting getting down to the wire. [ ]It said that if you got 9/10 right your IQ was 120+. I'm guessing that's well-below Mensa range but I have no idea what the official numbers are. I don't care. Like age, color, creed and such, it doesn't matter. It's what you do with your "intelligence." Do you use it for good and to help others, or do you use it just for your own good? There's no wrong answer, but one is better. It's all in how you apply it. It's your works, or "fruits." As my friend Tut once quipped, as sparks were flying between him and some young lady he'd just met, who was about to repaint her crib and thought he'd be a great "handyman" to have around: "You know, it's not the SIZE of the's how you STROKE it."

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