Monday, February 15, 2021

Fireworks Photo Encore (Click to Enlarge)

{ }I'm posting this photo again. Blow it up and have a look. This stupid fuck doesn't know how to handle fireworks. He's way out of his league and he's lucky he escaped with his balls intact, which I'm assuming he did. Check the energy of that looks like special-effects. Seeing it go off on the ground like that makes it look like the dude is about to enter an energy field or a portal or something. Speaking of going off on the ground, these shells weren't meant to do that. They're meant to go off at around 1,500' or so in the air, where they can't blow someone's balls off. Look at the stars shooting out...they're out of frame and they're already impressive, and they're just getting started. These aren't fireworks-stand fireworks. This is pro stuff. Unless you're a licensed pyrotechnician you're not even supposed to be near these fireworks, and Numbnut here demonstrates why. Do you read me? [ ]This is a very impressive photo. In fact I'm going to have it printed on a t-shirt. No joke. It's a printable-quality image, and it says so many things. First off it's just plain hilarious to see some goofydick who can't handle fireworks. His stance is priceless. He didn't even have time to complete the phrase "OH, SHI..." or cover his face or his balls before it went off. It's such a perfect image. It could be a movie poster. It also clearly shows the bullshit going on and that we're being played like fiddles, and that there are truly many people who want to destroy this country and incite v1olence and h@te, and this image is living proof, to those with eyes to see. It is. It makes me happy to see it, but before you judge me, read on. [ ]Again these are professional fireworks. People aren't even supposed to possess them, much less set them off on crowded city streets for the love of God, where they could cause serious injuries, and for good measure expose stupid assholes like this guy. It boggles my mind that people arean't at least curious enough to want to know who gave them these fireworks and WHY, but most people will use their computer time to check their Facebook status and wait for that next dopamine hit when the notification bell lights up. BTW you can train a dog with a clicker. Think about it. [ ]This is a phenominal photo and a clear indicator of the bullshit, right in front of our noses, and in my book you can't beat that. Plus it'll make a badass t-shirt. Besides clearly illustrating bullshit in a spectacular way, it's a moment in time captured perfectly. I don't know what to say about Goofydick. Either he just dropped it or he didn't get the "GET AWAY" part of the iconic statement on all fireworks packages- "LIGHT FUSE...GET AWAY." It's the most important half of the equation. And lordy it's funny. It's made me lol a few times. Here's the kicker...I don't want to see anyone get hurt for any reason, but I can't say I feel bad for this guy at all. Except for Fuckface here, who can't throw a lit firework 15', these fireworks were being thrown at cops. That's not cool. No wonder they had riot shields. [ ]If people are going to do cowardly and disgraceful (and SUBSIDIZED) things like this, they deserve what they get, even if it's a loss of balls. I bet it was a minute before that asshole tried to shoot any more of those. He did leave us with a beautiful image, captured at just the right millisecond. It also clearly shows the bullshit, with a bit of backstory anyway, and people will see it if they want to. It's right there in front of their faces. Our true enemies AREN'T people of a different color, political party, religious views, etc. IT'S THE SICKO PEOPLE WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS SHIT, END OF STORY. WAKE UP! Have a nice day.

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