Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Things I Should've Never Let People Talk Me out of- Bitcoin (My bad, Little Voice)

[ ]Bitcoin just hit $50K per. I remember when it first came out over a decade ago. I'm pretty sure it started trading at under a buck. I'd been hearing for years that digital currency was coming, so I took a bit more interest that I might have. Some say it's the beginning of the so-called "one-world currency" that's just one part of the upcoming Beast System, but that's another story. Anyway there was a deal that I guess is still in place today, where you downloaded shareware or whatever it is, and for letting whomever use your computer during downtime you'd receive so much in Bitcoin. It's called mining. [ ]Even interested to the degree I was I'd never have thought about doing that probably, but then along came my "Little Voice." Again it's not an actual voice in my head; it's more like a loud, clear thought that completely supercedes all other thoughts for a moment. If there's one thing my dumb-ass has learned it's to never, EVER argue with it or not do what it "says." It was like "I should do that. No, I should REALLY do that." Nobody much back then saw it hitting 50K but you never know. The thing was it was hard to imagine investing in digital currency...just numbers on a hard drive, rather than silver or something holdable, but again I felt led by the nose to do it. [ ]I wanted to get a dedicated desktop and let it run 24/7. I know someone who was in a position to help me out with all the towers I needed for free or next-to-nothing, but they grinned and said it wouldn't be worth the electricity. Boy, that was a big ol' heap o' wrong, eh? My ex said I'd be an idiot too. I can't blame it on anyone but myself though. I'd have bought a tower but I was dirt-poor. I should've tried harder to find a way to make it happen. I don't know what the mining rate is or was, but you'd think that in well over a decade I'd have mined at least one coin...maybe two. Even if it was just a third of a coin it'd be over $15K. Like Jimmy Buffet sings in the chorus of Margaritaville, "It's my own damn fault." [ ]I guess all I can do is bitch about it uselessly. Actually this is to illustrate yet again the validity of my Little Voice, whatever it is. I knew better than to not do whatever it took to make it happen, screw what everybody else said. I fucked-up, and this time it really cost me. 50-Big to be exact, or maybe more. Fuck me. I'm sorry, LV. I know you tried. Maybe it wasn't meant to be.

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