Tuesday, February 16, 2021

These Dreams: My Funny Valentine?

[ ]I went to sleep shortly after midnight on the 14th and apparently I had a Valentine's dream. I was walking around outside in a nice neighborhood where there was a party, which has been a recurring theme to start out several dreams lately. This time I was by myself, and a young lady approached with a nice smile on her face. She looked friendly enough and I thought she was just in a good mood or whatever and that she'd brighten my night and we'd pass like two ships in the night, but she walked up to me and stopped. I decided to stop too. I was hesitant because she was a fair bit younger than me, maybe twenty years, but I apparently wanted to hear what she had to say. "Hello" she said, and offered her hand. These days a handshake is almost like a cool drink of water in the desert. This bullshit where we're all treating each other like biohazards has permeated my dreamscape. [ ]"Hi there" I said and gladly took her hand. Like the delivery woman in real life a couple of weeks ago who also shook my hand, she got instant points for not living in fear. If the girl of my dreams told me her name I forgot. "Listen," she started, 'this may seem forward, but I'd really like to go out with you." "Really?" I asked. "Yes" she replied. "Do you know how old I am?" I asked. "Yes. I don't care" she said. "People are people. It's never been a big deal." I'm the same way, in real-life and dreams too I guess. "I know a few of your friends and they say you're an okay dude. They thought we might be a good fit and so do I. What say you?" [ ]I was a bit taken aback. What I knew up to that point is that a pleasant young lady had basically hit on me in a most honest way, and I wasn't saying no right off the bat. She was very pretty but not like "model-pretty," which usually doesn't work at all for me anyway. For what it's worth I got a really good vibe from her. I've heard pickup lines from women before, including the timeless classic, "Wanna screw?" but I liked the honest approach, and things like that have happened in real life of course. "These are weird times" she said, "but you don't seem to be as caught up in the madness, and I'm not either." "It's bullshit" I said. "Pardon my French." "No problem" she said. "It IS bullshit." I was beginning to like this sister. [ ]After a moment's ponderance I said "I say we take a walk and have a chat about things." "Good" she said. "Your friends say you love animals and you're into music and you're a tree-hugger and you care about people." "Guilty I guess" I said. "I don't mean to have you at a disadvantage, because I talked to your friends but you haven't talked to any of mine, so I'll be happy to tell you anything you want to know about me." "Right on" I said. [ ]"I don't mean to be pushy" she said, "but I'm single and you're single and things might be more fun with a friend." "I can dig it" I said. We started walking around the neighborhood, and well...it didn't feel too bad. She seemed pretty cool so far. She was five-foot-two, eyes of blue...not really...she had semi-curly brown hair and green eyes. She was maybe 5-7 or half a notch taller, which was just about right. I put my arm around her. It seemed like the thing to do. I was still getting a good vibe from her, with no detectable traces of static in her head. [ ]"You know we're not six feet apart" she said. "I noticed, and I like it" I said. "We'll have to pretend we're a couple" I half-joked. "Fine by me" she said. I was beginning to get into the flow a little better and I was beginning to wonder if she was as much of a keeper as she seemed to be, and the stars aligned and she walked right up straight out of Heaven or something, and I'd be a fool to blow her off just because she was younger. The older you get the less it matters I think. "So...besides what I've heard, what else are you into? What else do you like to do?" she asked. "I like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain" I quipped. I'm hilarious. In my dreams thst is. "Ha-ha-ha...my DAD loved that song." "Of course he did" I replied. "I can't believe you said that. You're a nerd, aren't you?" she asked. "Dork" I replied. "I see" she said. She was already giving me a little shit in a good way, and I liked her style. [ ]"What's up with you?" I asked. She started telling me about things, and she mentioned her family first before she talked about herself, which was a good indication. She was into art and music and Nature, same as me. "I usually don't just approach guys and ask them for a date, but..." she blurted out as her cheeks got red. "Neither do I" I said. Really though it's okay. I don't mind at all. I'm very pleased to meet you." "Me too" she said. We both decided to go for a hug at the same time. That was cool. It was a good hug. I may have gotten a bit of a boner, but I can't remember...but I already knew I was going to try to be a gentleman and not even try to hit it until at least three or four more dates. And she was quite hittable too, but so far it wasn't one of "those" dreams. She was cool and she seemed like a true sweetheart, and I wasn't about to screw it up by immediately trying to jump her bones. [ ]It was amazing to be standing closer than six feet from someone, not to mention hugging. I was digging this sister. We walked on and had a nice conversation. We had a pretty good bit in common...a lot in fact. They say that even if you don't recognize someone in a dream they're based on people you know. Dream girl did have a mix of qualities I admire in women, and no doubt I conjured her up out of my subconscious. Hey, maybe she had a dream about me too...and she's real. You never know. Anyway she was very nice to be around and I was very glad I didn't blow her off when we met. She had a brain. That's always a plus. "Wanna go get loaded?" she asked out of nowhere. For a second I was shocked but then I figured she must be pulling my leg, and she was. "Nah, I don't drink very often" she said. "No problem" I replied. { ]I'm guessing we'd have spent the night together, but I woke up. I remembered so much detail that I'm surprised I didn't go into lucid mode, which would've been incredible. As it was it was still a great dream, and I wondered if it could possibly mean that there's a similar sister out there with my name on her. Who knows. I'm not actively wookin' panub at the moment but I'm certainly not NOT looking either. Maybe there's a dream-sister right around the corner, or maybe not. In any case it's nice to know that my dreams are still on track, and it was a perfect dream for Valentine's Day. Sweet dreams.

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