Sunday, February 14, 2021

I Know My Fireworks

[ ]Several months ago I was watching vids of some of the so-called "peaceful protests" where they were shooting fireworks. For one thing I wondered how so many people happened to have fireworks to begin with and how they could afford to buy so many, but as I saw some of the bursts taking up a city block and heard the loudness of the explosions I thought "Damn...them there are professional fireworks. No question." I was perplexed. Even possessing fireworks like those requires a special pyrotechnics license and years of training. I've been shooting fireworks since first grade, and I know my way around things that go boom. [ ]When I was a kid there was a fireworks stand that we used to pass going to Atlanta. My dad was my hero for allowing fireworks. I got to know the owner and he knew I was a freak, so occasionally he'd get something out of the ordinary and save it for me. He'd have Cracker Balls (RIP Cracker Balls), M-80s and such, and one day he offered me a bag of small tubes marked "Class-A Special Fireworks." The ones they sell to the public in the US are marked "Class-C Common Fireworks." In other words they were illegal, but God bless that guy for selling them to me anyway. [ ]They were innocent-looking 4" tubes with a base, but I knew they must be kickass, and they blew away my expectations. My dumb-ass decided to try one right on my street. The lift charge alone was louder than an M-80, and I was thinking "Oh, shit" as I waited for the main charge. A few seconds later there was a huge "BLAM." It rattled windows. You could feel it in your chest. They were the same ones we see at fireworks displays that just go up and explode with a big bang. Let's just say that every door in the neighborhood opened, and it was the only one of those I ever shot in public. Again, God bless that fireworks guy for befriending me. [ ]Day before yesterday I was talking to someone who lives up north near some of the most violent "peaceful protests." He told me that for days on end the fireworks drove him and his family and his dogs and cats berserk, and he actually went and engaged some of the protestors, to ask them what was up with all the 'works. They told him that vans would pull up and hand out boxes and boxes of fireworks. They told the "peaceful protestors" to be careful because they weren't ordinary fireworks. Indeed. It's simply more proof that all this division and hate is being orchestrated on purpose. IT'S BY DESIGN. Most people do NOT want this shit. People will wake up or they won't. In any case I called it yo. Class-A, baby, all day long. I know my fireworks.

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