Thursday, February 18, 2021

These Dreams: OPD (Other People's Dreams)

[ ]I've talked about this before but I'm not sure whether I posted it or not. If you happened to have read it, my bad. If so fell free to read on or go do something else. Have a nice day. [ ]Some years back I happened to overhear a phone conversation between a man and a buddy of his. Not that it has any bearing but it was a black man roughly my age. He'd just had a crazy dream and I could tell it freaked him out a little because he was talking loudly and excitedly. I couldn't help but hear what he was saying. I can't remember every word of it but I remember the basic plot. [ ]The dream started out with dude and his buddy setting off on a road trip. They were about to pull out of the driveway when his wife or girlfriend came running out with a big bag of ham sandwiches for the road. They decided to go ahead and eat one but when they unwrapped them they were nothing but fat, and soaked in grease. They couldn't eat them so they put them back in the bag and went to look for a trash can to throw them away. That's a good dude there, BTW. Before they could find a trash can they saw three bums (his words) standing by a fire in an oil drum, and thought they might be hungry enough to eat the sandwiches. He rolled down the window, hollered and got their attention and tossed the bag their way. [ ]Sadly none of them caught it and it landed straight in the oil drum. The bag of fat and grease sandwiches fed the flames and a huge fireball erupted from the drum. Unfortunately it also set the bums alight. I didn't expect to hear that and I almost started laughing. What a crazy-ass dream. He said they "went up like charcoal briquettes." He went "AAAIIIIIEEEEEE!" making the sound of the flaming bums, and I made a sound trying to stifle a laugh. I was getting a kick out of it and I didn't want him to stop telling it on my account, but that was pretty much it anyway. He said that seeing the bums go up in flames freaked him out so much he woke up. The rest of his conversation was mostly trying to figure out where a dream like that came from in the first place. [ ]I kinda had to wonder that myself. I could picture was like some deleted scene from a David Lynch movie or something. Dude was trying to be kind to some hungry, homeless people, but instead he lit them on fire. That's hilarious, and like they say, it's just a dream. I'd never want to see actual people set ablaze by a bag of greasy sandwiches in real life, but in a dream it's off the charts. That one will always crack me up. Here's to REM sleep, and sweet dreams.

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