Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The WTF Files #902,423,128

Yikes! What the hell is this? Your worst nightmare? Her worst nightmare? The monster from Greenscreen Hell? It creeps me the fuck out just looking at this image, even when I know what it is. Luckily most of my dreams are fun, but I have a feeling this image may show up again in some weird-ass dream.
 Actually it's not as sinister as it looks. The creepy green dude is a professional hair-flipper. No kidding. You know how you see those hair product ads where the model twirls her head around in ultra slo-mo and her hair flips perfectly about like a flag in the wind? You can thank the green dudes for that. They stand behind the model and as she swooshes her head back and forth he reaches out with a green stick and flips her hair. Bet you didn't know that. I didn't. I've always thought fashion was really creepy. I rest my case.

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