Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Energy Waves

The latest thing in the sky show saga are these "energy waves" coming in. They came in for the first time yesterday, as noted by MrMBB333 (MrMB3 for short) on Youtube. They're hard to see in this image, but they're peaking out the entire system. If you look toward the bottom of the line second from the right, you can see the blank spot where the system has redlined. Speaking of those lines to the right, they're unusual in themselves. They apparently indicate a return from something other than meteors. They even make a different sound. Instead of one of two high tones, they make a dark, buzzing sound. Most curious.
 Yesterday these waves were also showing up on other charts that show things like photon count and whatnot. They were matched by the time stamps. I'm sure it will be the same situation today. I'll keep talking about this stuff as long as new information keeps pouring in. This is something new. Stay tuned. Heads up. Have a nice day.

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