Monday, June 12, 2017

Atmospheric Disturbance has been going crazy all day. Forget three-minute meteors...we've been seeing steady streams lasting much longer. At least three of the main guys (who are into this stuff) put out videos about it today, including a live feed this morning. More and more people are picking up on this because of those vids, and where there were maybe 7-8 people visiting the site on any given day a month ago, now there's over a hundred sometimes. It's great people are starting to pay attention. I'm chatting with some of them now. Meteor people are very nice.
 Some of these guys are saying that these returns aren't meteors at all. I don't know what to think, but I know some of them are. Just this morning they had the biggest fireball on record in England. Something is up. I haven't had to call Chicken Little yet but I still have him on speed dial. Heads up!

Here's a link to one of MrMBB333's videos from this morning. It's amazing.

UPDATE: Another great vid from MrMBB333: watch?v=u0C_KPFHk7E

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