Friday, June 9, 2017

Meteor Finally Seen in Real Time

I haven't stayed up late playing drums in over a week (BAD drummer), but I picked a great night to do it, because I finally got to see one of the current crop of slow-moving meteors that's going on right now. Unfortunately it wasn't one of the two-minute-monsters, but it was the slowest shooting star I've ever seen. It was as bright and the same size as a medium to medium-bright star. I counted off twelve seconds, and in that time, which up until recently would have been considered an extremely long-duration meteor, it only traveled about 3/4 my hand's length with my arm outstretched. Cool.
 Still it wasn't nearly impressive as the one Sally and I saw about a year ago. It moved a good bit faster than the one I saw tonight and it covered way more ground. After it appeared I counted off seventeen seconds, and it was still going strong when it disappeared over the treetops. I didn't even think it was a meteor until I heard some people on Youtube talking about a recent meteor that lasted two minutes. As one might guess they were pretty excited about it. Except for the one in Russia a few years back that damaged buildings and blew out people's eardrums, that was the only other meteor they'd tracked that lasted anywhere near two minutes. Over the last month or so there have been several such.
 Like tonight the one we saw last year happened on a full Moon. The one from tonight was a little above the Moon while the one last year was below it and illuminated somewhat by it. It looked like a meteor, but since I'd never seen nor heard of a meteor lasting much longer than maybe ten seconds, I thought it might be space junk. Or a Saucer maybe. It had a faint and fairly short but very interesting and pretty, sparkling tail. It was about the relative size of a golf ball. It dimmed and brightened dramatically and at different speeds and lengths, and it appeared to be tumbling. It looked metallic and it had a shape that wasn't maybe a dodecahedron or something. It's by WAY far the damnedest thing Sally and I have ever seen in the sky. It covered at least half the sky in the time we observed it, but it was moving extremely slowly. The one tonight was much slower still.
 After seeing thousands of these things flying by in the last month, but only as crazy lines on a graph, it's awesome to finally get to see one analog-style. It didn't look like anything more unusual than a satellite or a high-altitude plane at first, which is what I thought it could be (but hoped it wasn't), until I realized it was definitely a meteor. Then it became completely amazing. I was looking right at the spot in the sky where it appeared and I saw blink out. There was plenty of clear sky on either side of its flight path, so it wasn't an airplane or a satellite. Maybe it was a Saucer.  Anyway, meteors do not move that slowly...until very recently. Yes, it amazes me to the point of saturation, and it will from here on out. A two-minute meteor is different from a six-second one to some degree. What I just saw was incredible. Hey, wait until I tell my new far none of them has seen one in the flesh yet. It's certainly not going to hurt my status as Meteor Guy. I got the first really gnarly screen cap, and now the first visual. Meteor Guy strikes again! Heads up.

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