Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Fashion: Hair

This was my hair when I woke up this morning. I guess I'm old school but my first inclination was to smooth it down. Looks like Alfalfa or Buckwheat or whatever his name was from Little Rascals. Before I stopped to remember which side my hair is parted on and began to smooth it, it occurred to me as it does so many times that people pay good money to get their hair to look like this. Why don't they just not comb it and hit it with some kind of manly manspray hairspray or something and just go? I can't tell much difference in this and what people look like when they walk out of Great Clips or wherever. Am I missing something here? Does it have to be cut a special way to make it stick out just right? I guess so.
 Could I possibly be so unhip or uncool or unobservant or just plain stupid that I can't tell the difference between bedhead and an expensive haircut that's supposed to look like bedhead? Say it ain't so. I remember way back when the disheveled look first came in and thinking that if it had happened ten years earlier people would have just laughed and told them to go comb their hair. Somewhere along the way some forward-thinking trendsetter managed to make the bedhead haircut cool, and a sub-genre of hairstyle was born. Isn't fashion amazing? But seriously, what am I missing here? I must need enlightening.

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