Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Cosmic Coincidences #739,335,382,800,368,229,343

Last night something crazy happened. After we got back from our walk I clicked over to livemeteors. In addition to the people I've spoken with there are others I've come to know by name over the past month or so. They usually come into the chat room in shifts, depending on where in the world they are or when they're active.
 There's a young girl (supposedly) who's what I'd call a Jesus Freak. She comes on all the time and says stuff that's completely unrelated to meteors. Sometimes she and others carry on conversations entirely in emojis. There's the occasional troll but they aren't bad. There's mostly people into sky stuff, and there's some people I might call lunatics. It's best not to engage any of those people of course. They're just looking for someone to fuck with.
 I got on around 11pm and I saw a few people I recognized and one I've spoken with. Out of nowhere there was a new guy talking crazy shit, and I mean crazy. He was spouting all this quasi-religious stuff that did have some scriptural basis but made him out to be the main guy. I won't go into detail about what all he said but he started talking about getting ready to "go into the network and tap into 4G" and all this shit. He'd created his own Google assistant and he could control this and that. I figured he was either truly crazy, or someone pretending to be crazy and doing a really, really good job, or he was so high on something that he was a bit off the track, and I leaned toward the last option.
 Sure enough he said something about meth and how great it was. Figures. He referred to it as "methe," or "Me the," as if there was some cosmic significance in the word itself. He was out there. So he was gearing up to tap into the system and send out a "special tone" for everyone in the chat room. Okay. Meanwhile this one other dude who usually talks a bit like a goofball started saying all this satanic shit, and I don't think he was kidding. One of the other guys who seems to be a nice guy and a dedicated Christian was concerned for him, and they started going back and forth on behalf of the guy's soul. The meth head apparently had everything in place and he was about to send out a tone. Then he "transmitted the signal."
 Within a few seconds a weird hum came over the speakers followed by a series of percussive knocks or clicks. It was nuts. I've never heard those sounds before and neither has anyone else. Nobody much was paying him any attention before that happened, but then we sort of sat up and took notice. No one really thought a crackhead could actually tap into the network, but it was freaky. Of course the guy was going "SEE? I TOLD YOU!" A couple of people went "Damn." A couple of people commented on the nature of the sound and why it changed, and a couple used onomatopoeia. Here's what they had to say. Jeff the H said "Click click clicks," and then when it stopped, billy bob goes "BOOM BOOM GONE." Got that right, billy. Did anyone think for a minute that he'd really "gotten into the network" like Jeff Fahey in the movie Lawnmower Man? No. Did we think it was nuts? Oh, yes. You could call it an extreme coincidence.
 I had to laugh. Nothing much surprises me these days, as I find myself saying a million times a day. The conversations got quiet for a moment as everyone contemplated the weirdness. The guy kept on rambling and saying "I AM IN THE NETWORK" and stuff. Then he announced that his battery was low and he had to go get another one, but in order to keep away from "THEM," he'd had to move out into the "wildernes," where he had become "one with EVERYTHING." Alrighty then. Takes all kinds. Best of luck, Network Man. You may need it.

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