Sunday, June 11, 2017

March of the Meteors

Meteors are still pouring in at rates of between about 100 and 130 an hour, and there's no current meteor shower; minor, major or medium that they can say is responsible for these. I've been saying for over a month that I realize most people couldn't care less, but for someone like me or some of these people who've been into this stuff all our lives, this is definitey beyond shocking. I knew some of these things are massive; not to mention now up to three minutes in duration. I can't believe I'm typing this. A few days ago NASA issued an asteroid warning saying that there are large asteroid fragments within this debris field we're currently passing through. True to form a couple of days later an asteroid bigger than three football fields make a very close flyby. NASA's on it.
 This image is from I said it was in Canada but it's actually in the UK. My apologies to Canadian and British sky watchers everywhere. This site represents meteors differently obviously. It doesn't run continually like It refreshes every 45 seconds or so. It would be nice to see this run continually because you could see them appear and grow and then fade out. It's still a very cool graph though. It's colorful. It reminds me of those Magic Crystals.
This is an interesting image. The meteor on the right is coming in in a different frequency. I don't know if that means that it has a different type of composition than the others or what, but normally they all come in in one specific band. I've been seeing the same thing on the other site.

Here's another image of the same thing. This one was huge.

This one was nearly off the graph.

It's been surreal seeing basically a solid meteor shower for over a month now and to see these beasts keep rolling in. Outside or the freak out factor I've really enjoyed the visual representations. I love anything having to do with graphics, and these are good ones. I'd really like to have a few of these hanging on the wall as I said, and if I can get some high-quality images I'm going to do that. I think it's art. A little Armageddonish maybe, but art. Cosmic art. That's better. If you were tripping balls and looking at these images, I could see it turning into something like a deleted clip from Fantasia - The March of the Demented Candy Corns. Yeah. Ha ha. Heads up.

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