Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Holy chit...looky here at what happened to Farcebook stock over the past few days. That's "Times in '29" stuff right there, boy. OMG you might say. You'd be right. Fuckerberg is for sure saying that right now, and perhaps a bit more strongly-worded. Supposedly he's in hiding right now. I don't know if that's true but what is known is that Fartbook just held an emergency meeting and Fuckerberg wasn't there. That's some shit.
 It's also being reported that he sold a big ol' pile of his Facebook stock a few days before it tanked. It'll be interesting to see what happens with that. Although the rich and powerful are generally above the law, that sort of thing is generally frowned upon. Can you say "Martha Stewart?" Now, what's that called again...intrader siding? That's it. Some might say he saw it a-comin'. Fuck me, man...this is big.
 What's all the fuss and whyfor the $170.00+ dive in shares of Fakebook stock? I can tell you that the story is absolutely batshit-crazy, and just what I heard in a few minutes sounds like the first chapter in a badass intrigue/thriller novel, but I leave it to you to check it out. Gargle it, Dylan. It's truly nuts, and that's just what we know so far. All I know is I wouldn't be Fuckerberg for all the tea in China. I won't say what I wanted due to the censorbots, but to say that money is the root of all evil, in this case is a statement of biblical proportions.
 I hate to be all "I told you so," but I've been calling it Farcebook, Fuckbook, Fakebook, Failbook, Facialrecognitionsoftwarebook and other clever names for several years now, and it's all coming to light. Want to find out what's going to happen in the next year or two? Ask a "conspiracy theorist." No joke. I say again that the truth is coming out, and you may quote me on that, and it must be a real drag for these assholes to have to face the music, whether anything happens to them or not. As for the general public, of whom only a small (but exponentially-growing) percentage has a heads-up, they're going to have their shit flipped when they learn the truth about the good folks who call the shots.
 This is heavy, and it's just the tip of the iceberg. Or maybe the Fuckerberg. Get ready to wrap your mind around some crazy shit, cause you'll be hearing about it. This is Science Fiction shit. Heads-up. I'd take that to heart.

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