Saturday, March 31, 2018

What Did I See in the Sky?

I saw something strange early Friday morning. I'd crashed at around 10:30 and I woke up around 2:30. I knew the full Moon was a day away from full and I could see moonlight through the window so I went out to have a look. I have a YouTube channel where I put up mostly videos of the Cahaba River. I was down there the other day when it was raining, and I got some moisture/funk on the inside of the lens so I decided to do a test film to see if it'd gone. There were clouds passing in front of the Moon and it was really beautiful.
 My Ancient Android device takes very low-res videos anyway, and with the lens situation the video was anything but sharp, but then again I've always been a fan of low-res photography. I love HD too of course, but sometimes low-res can be effective, like a really old movie on VCR. It's a bit like where they'd put Vaseline around the edge of the lens to give a soft, "dreamlike" look, or make the starlets look more doinkable when they're ready for the closeup.
 I was looking up at the Moon like I've done a million times. It's amazing to see clouds pass in front and suddenly be illuminated. They make faint rainbows. It takes you out of yourself and your ego to see, and I feel bad for people who naver take a moment to enjoy things like that. They're real, and not just a bunch of ones and zeroes telling you about it. Anyway as I was watching I noticed two layers of clouds moving in different directions and speeds. That's always really cool to see. Then as I watched, a dark shape appeared.
 With the clouds going by it was hard to make out at first, and it didn't compute anyway, because it wasn't moving. I almost had to blink my eyes and have another look, but there it was. It looked like a dark triangular cloud. I couldn't tell the size because it was partially obscured by trees, and there was no way to know how far away it was, but it was massive. I could clearly a corner and two sides. Color me freaked. I didn't know what I was seeing, but I've been looking at the sky day and night since I was four, and I've never seen anything remotely like it. Lately some people have been taking photos of angular cloud formations that are completely unnatural for clouds, but those photos are taken in daytime, and while they look pretty similar to what I saw, they're a little different.
 This sounds crazy I know. It sure was crazy standing there watching it last night. I couldn't believe it wasn't moving with the other clouds. It was a breezy night but I watched it for a good ten minutes and it never moved. There was no sound associated with it; not that I expected any, but the spillway, wind and traffic and things were pretty loud. If you were looking at some sort of aircraft, you'd expect to see it in a normal flying position parallel to the ground, but if this was a craft, and I'm definitely not saying it was, then it would've been more tilted to the viewer, like it was banking in a turn. It was hard to tell for sure though because it looked flat and 2D. There was no depth, but on the off-chance it was a craft, all you'd see would be the top surface anyway.
 I was mystified. The video I took was 22 minutes long, and it was visible over half that time. Finally it just seemed to melt away, as the clouds began to thin. I looked for another ten minutes or so but I didn't see anything else. It flipped me out and it took a long time to get back to sleep. For the record I was sober, and not on (or off) any meds. I have way better than 20/20 vision and excellent night vision and my eyes were adjusted to the dark. Even though I couldn't make sense of what I was seeing, and still can't, whatever it was it was definitely there. I'll be keeping an eye out for it no question.
 Yesterday afternoon I clicked on a thumbnail with a weird bolt of lightning that seemed to be going up. I had no idea that it was talking about similar-looking things they were calling "crafts." What a coincidence. Turns out there are quite a few people talking about it, and one guy has a long series of vids with both images and artist's renditions. Of course I was interested and I checked out a couple. There were clearer images but I don't want to go digging through videos, but this image is a still from one of them. It's very interesting in that it appears to show the lightning ending in the murky outline of a triangular shape. You have to look closely but you can see it happening twice. It can't be random shapes in the clouds or a film glitch. The bolts not only end but also concentrate in intensity right at the tip of the formations. Once might be an incredible coincidence, but twice has to be impossible.
 In fact some people are saying that these shapes are definitely ships of some sort, and that they carry their own weather systems with them, and that they can actually concentrate and direct "lightning bolts." That sounds completely crazy until you consider that fact that many ancient texts describe the exact same thing. They describe angular, flying "chariots," which made their own weather and used lightning as a weapon. It'd be a stretch maybe to say there's any connection, but there's more truth to ancient stories tham most people realize. It's never widely publicized but discoveries are made all the time that directly support a "legend." You name it...they've found it. Ironically a lot of artiacts which lend credence to legends are stashed away in the huge basements belonging to a famous magazine that's been around for over a century, and should be doing articles about those finds, but doesn't.
 In any case what I saw was similar to the shapes in this image, but much more defined, and there was no lightning. The sky was well-lit by the Moon and the shape clearly stood out. It was almost black against the sky and clouds. I stood there staring and a bit later I had to look at the timer on the camera to know how long I'd been standing there looking. It was still there after ten minutes. When I could finally think I was wondering how the hell a cloud; much less a triangular one, could resist the wind and not be blown along with the other clouds. I couldn't say it was a craft but I couldn't say it wasn't.
 It was really interesting to see that video right after seeing that thing, and a little reassuring to hear that other people were seeing basically the same thing. Some are going all out and saying that they're definitely ships, but most people including myself are only saying that there's something in the sky that isn't normal in any way. I was amazed at how many videos there on this one thing. It's hard to argue with images of dark, linear shapes in the clouds. Of course all the people who won't even bother considering that there might be something to it will say it's Photoshopped, but that would mean that there are a lot of people who not only have sophisticated photo-phucking software, but also know how to use it.
 Many of the videos are posted with only about as much time from the event to it being posted on YouTube as it takes to upload it. Those would be impossible to 'shop. There wouldn't be time. Go figure. "It's Photoshopped!" sometimes isn't the real story. It's a kneejerk, "Band-aid" response; not to mention sometimes wrong. Sure there's tons of Photoshipped bullshit in living color, but things like that are often nothing more than an emotional reaction to fear of the unknown. It's human nature and it's hard to get past. I get it. Fear is a powerful thing. Fear is a powerful motivator. Fear is the enemy. Just remember that alone and you're ahead of the game.
 So what did I see? I have no idear. It was big and dark and triangular and it freaked me the fuck out. Stay tuned, and heads-up.

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