Saturday, March 10, 2018

Daily Bullshit #36,155,216,344,333,083

About two weeks ago a Fox 6 TV station in Milwaukee caught footage of some strange lights in the sky. There's a ton of vids about it along with wide and wild speculation on what it could be, but I'll avoid those and put a link to the footage alone. For what I'm talking about here it doesn't matter what it is or isn't, although I'd certainly love to know.
 The footage is very interesting. It shows some fairly dim lights dancing around in the sky. The announcerette is wondering out loud as to what it could be, and the announcer chimes in here and there. When I first saw it it looked like fireworks, and case closed, but then as I watched it continue I knew it couldn't be that. They do make fireworks that look like that only much brighter and more colorful, but those can only last for several seconds due to gravity.
 You can even buy fireworks (where legal) that do the same thing, and at the same time you could prove that whatever it was in the news video, it wasn't fireworks. The way these work is that there are dozens of things that look like big firecrackers all tied together in the main rocket. They all have very quick fuses that are ignited when the burst charge goes off. They whistle and shoot out flames and spin around. Instead of a firecracker, which is meant to explode, they have a pinhole cut into the side. Instead of exploding all at once the energy shoots out of the hole, which causes all the activity. They fly around randomly and stay aloft, but only as long as they burn, which is maybe 3-4 seconds. They need to ignite just as the main rocket blows up and sends them flying, and while the rocket is still going up, to get a boost in lift. If this event had lasted around five seconds I'd say it was fireworks, but a single rocket couldn't last anywhere near as long as whatever this is.
 The woman says "Is it fireworks? Aliens? What would do this? Can you see it?" The guy says yes and begins to talk over her a bit. I had to play it back a few times to hear what she said with the guy talking at the same time, and she said "We're gonna do some digging, and figure out what that is. We'll be right back." Someone says "Are we rolling on this?" It was rolling alright. I wonder how much "digging" they actually did. Not much I bet. Burying maybe, but not digging.
 Here's the crux of the biscuit: The "official explanation" was that this was A FLOCK OF BIRDS. Oh, yeah...that 80s hair band. They had that song "And Iran," right? They had that coif-dude lead singer. Oh, wait, ha-ha...they were seagulls. The "official explanation" didn't specify which kind of birds I don't believe. Speaking of believe, who would believe that this is a flock of birds? Birds? Like maybe, "acid birds?" Birds caught in the wake of a 747? Maybe. How are they glowing? I know...they flew out over the ocean and ate a bunch of that glowing plankton. Or they went to a rave and got all painted up with glow-in-the-dark paint. Maybe that's it. Well, how did they appear out of nowhere and then fade out? They just did. Oh, okay.
 So there you have it, folks. It was a flock of birds. You have to wonder about the "official explanation" people that the best they got? Do they make it into a game and let their ten-year-olds come up with funny things? Do they say ridiculous things like this because they know most people will buy it without question just because some guy says it on TV? You're getting warm...
 The video is about 33 seconds. Check it out and make a mental note of it should "flock of birds" cross your mind at any time. Even a flock of tumbling, glowing, tripping, nowhere-flying rave-up birds. I don't see birds, but as always I could be wrong. I guess I am wrong. How do I know? Because the "official explanation" guys said so. There's nothing more to see. Move along. A flock of birds. Got it, thanks.

The "birds" over Milwaukee on Fox 6:

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