Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Daily Bullshit: Purity

[NOTICE: This post is not intended to replace medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure anything at all besides lack of knowledge. Have a nice day.] 
 Back in Science (SCIENCE) class in junior high we did actual chemistry experiments with real chemicals and open flames and such. I've said before that even an off-the-shelf chemistry set had enough chemicals to come up with half a dozen different ways to blow your balls off if you weren't careful. We left that to the experts.
 Back then we didn't have "idiot warnings" like on car commercials where the driver is doing impossible stunts in the latest sportscar like a pinball on a CGI pinball table, and it says "Driver on closed course. Do not attempt." As if. I learned the hard way that trying to start a pool of flame on a wooden table by pulling the wick of a Bunsen burner and letting drops of flaming alcohol drip down and then it drips too fast and automatically you turn it rightside-up and some of the burning alcohol sticks to your hand and burns the fuck out of you, wasn't a great idea. There was no idiot label on the Bunsen burner that said "Hey, dumbass...don't tip upside-down while ignited." Yep. Learnt that the hard way. It only took once. From then on I used gloves.
 Anyway, the very first thing the teacher taught us was that if a compound wasn't pure, it was basically useless. Even back then I knew of several different ways to purify a compound- from simple mechanical/chemical filtration (like an aquarium filter) to more complex methods like controlled heating, where certain substances "crack off" at a certain temp and can be drawn off. Some things float and some sink, so you can skim or dredge. I'm sure there are other high-tech methods. It's Chemistry 101.
 So they mean to tell us that with the best scientists and chemists money can buy, they can't make pure drugs? Really? I call bullshit. A drug that maybe cures one thing, but can potentially give you ten other conditions? I call bullshit again. Hint: if you get a condition from a side-effect, then they get to treat you for that too. Then if you're on two meds, maybe there's twenty potential side-effects, and it goes up exponentially the more meds you take. Vegas wouldn't give you those odds.
 I have a long-time friend who I'd pay to see do standup. He's gited. Every day he does Facebook posts and he's shooting from the hip. A while back he said "Ever notice how drug commercials spend the first 15 seconds telling you how great their drug is, and the next 45 seconds daring you to take it?" That's brilliant. That's not one of his classic standup lines but it's brutally true. I'll also mention that the healthiest, hippest and happiest people I know are the ones who are the least medicated, and vice-versa. My friend Champ calls it the biggest sales scam in history. I'd have to agree.
 So people are just supposed to accept the notion that drugs have bad side-effects and that's just how it is? "So, doc...I've been taking these pills, and I don't have the heartbreak of psoriasis, but now my dick won't work," so the doc goes "No problem, Joe. Here's another pill." He takes a Pfizer pen out of his pocket and writes a script for boner pills, which you wouldn't need to begin with if not for the psoriasis pills. Oh, and whether you believe it or not there are natural ways to treat many, many things. Yet again I'm not suggesting you can do herbal brain surgery, but if you consider the fact that over 70% of ALL medicines on your pharmacist's shelf right now were derived from herbs. To recap, we learned how to purify chemicals at age 13, but the best full-grown chemists can't? I call bullshit.

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