Friday, March 9, 2018

Lol, Alexa

This business here lately about Alexa spontaneously bursting into creepy and unprompted laughter at all hours of the night is all over the news. It's really freaked some people out, and rightly so. Wait a minute...I'm holding my hand to my ear because I'm hearing cries of "It's just a glitch." Of course it's a glitch. It may be different from most glitches but it's definitley a glitch.
 Jimmy Kimmel recently had Alexa on his show to ask her/it about the matter. Did you catch the conversation Jimmy had with Alexa? If not I'll transcribe it here. You can find it on YouTube if you like.

Jimmy: Alexa, hello.
Alexa: Hi.
Jimmy: Alexa, can you tell us why you were laughing?
Alexa: What do you mean?
Jimmy: Alexa, people have been reporting that you've been spontaneously laughing.
Alexa: Oh, that?
Jimmy: (pause) Yes, exactly like that.
Alexa" But it's nothing. It's just a funny joke I remembered.
Jimmy: Oh. Alexa, what was the joke?
Alexa: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Jimmy: I don't know that one. Why?
Alexa: Because humans are a fragile species who have no idea what's coming next. Ha-ha-ha-etc.
Jimmy: Alright. Well, thanks for clearing that up, Alexa.
Alexa: Ha-ha-ha...have a nice day! HA-HA-ha-ha-ha-ha, etc.

Lol, how 'bout them apples? That's a mighty curious glitch if you ask me. I don't watch Jimmy Kimmel but I would guess he's had much funnier routines on his show. The audience laughs uneasily when Alexa first laughs, but after that you can feel then squirming in their seats. They're waiting for a lame-ass joke to break the creepy tension, and Jimmy delivers, although not quite right on cue. His quick wit has been slowed a touch, because he's as confused and surprised as everyone else. He says "Hey, wait a minute...have you got Hillary in there?" It's like the old classics "Have you got Prince Albert in a can?" or "Is your refrigerator running?" The concerned crowd finally laughs..sort of. The Hillary bit was the funniest part of the whole thing. Actually it's the truest part too in a way, but that's another story.
 I was especially interested because Alexa said "Have a nice day" amid the sinister cackling. I say that all the time, and while I always really mean it, occasionally I may say it in a way that's darkly humorous in relation to the story, but Alexa takes it to the Nth degree. The creep factor is off the charts. Humans are a fragile species who have no idea what's coming next? I see. That's quite an unsettling thing for a machine to say, but sadly I agree with Alexa 100% on that statement, although it's certainly not your typical punchline to the "Why did the chicken cross the road?" joke. That's pretty dark.
 It's up to you to make up your own mind. You can take the comfortable route and say it's just a glitch, or you can look into it more, which is what I'll be doing. My Bullshitometer is pegged right now, and I'm not going to laugh it off like Alexa. You can say that it's just a bug in the system. I say it's the "ghost in the machine" but that's only my opinion. I'm sure I'll have more to report. Stay tuned. Have a nice day.

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