Sunday, March 18, 2018

First Lightning Bug

I just sawr the first lightning bug (or firefly if you prefer) of 2018. I saw a flash way off in the woods and I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but then I sawr another one and followed it along for a bit. I knew they'd be here any time, and actually I've been expecting them now for several days. No calendars, no Googlers or nothing...I just seem to know. Yes, my Spidey senses are still sharp. I know it wouldn't mean a damn thing to most people but to me it's big, and part of who I am. I love it. Time for a midnight river expedition. They look like old-school flashbulbs reflecting on the water in the dark, and the larvae glow all along the bank. It's breathtaking. I wish I could share it with y'all. It's Nature's light show. I can't wait. Have a nice evening.

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