Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Daily Bullshit #342,722,207,038: How They Bouncing, Jimmy?

You know how Jimmy Kimmel comes on his show and cries about women's rights and everything under the Sun like he's some caped crusader of justice, or some bullshit like that? Even John Q Public is starting to call bullshit on stuff like this. I keep saying...the truth is coming out, and I'm not kidding.
 Why are people calling bullshit on poor, sensitive, caring, crying Jimmy Kimmel? Because he has a past, and it's there for all to see. You may recall that Sensitive Jimmy was Dude's sidekick on "The Man Show." At the end of every episode Jimmy stood next to dude and oogled women as they jumped up and down on a trampoline. Remember? I do. How's that for "sensitive to women's rights?"
 Real role model there, eh? There isn't much else to say except "Wake up and smell the bullshit." I say that out of love. Really. Jimmy's a fake. He's a tool. People are waking up. Don't be Left Behind.

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