Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Biggest "Conspiracy Theorist" Yet

Of course when most people hear the term "conspiracy theorist" it's always associated with "nutjob" or similar terms. Using Hillary isn't the best choice here maybe, since she fits that to a T, but she also fits the definition of "conspiracy theorist" perfectly.
 First off she came out a while back and maybe as far back as the Clinton admin, saying that there was a well-funded, right-wing conspiracy (she used the actual term) against Bill. You can find it on YouTube, in case you think this is a "conspiracy theory."
 Most recently she's made a lot of noise accusing the Russians of tampering with the last election and basically keeping her from being elected. So far the only evedince of wrongdoing is against HER (and King O, for good measure). From what I know about it I'm amazed she'd try to pull off that shit in the first place, since the only fingers being pointed so far are at her, and surely she'd have known that. And I have to stop calling her Shirley.
 This is a sidetrack but for what it's worth I've been told quite a few times that I have the "gift of discernment." Basically that means that I can tell by the "vibe" or the "feelings" or the "spirit" of a person (or entity) whether they're good or bad. I don't make that claim myself, but I don't deny it. I actually get a bit queasy looking at Hillary to the point of being disturbed; even just doing an image search. It's like looking into the face of evil itself. For some reason the term "shock and awe" just popped into my head. Well, that's what people will feel when the truth comes about about this witch. You watch.
 So there you have it. Next time you think about all the crazy "conspiracy theorists," add H-Rod to the top of the list, because it doesn't get much bigger than this. Again she's a bad choice, but it illustrates perfectly the pot calling the kettle black. She throws the term out at others but it flies like a boomerang and comes back to bite her on the ass. Funny how that works. In using the term "conspiracy theorist" (aka "weaponized language") on others, these people become that very thing themselves. Get it? Wake up.

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