Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Daily Bullshit #45,254,324,551: "House of Horrors"

We've heard about the alleged kids that were in the alleged "house of horrors." Oh, that Jack built. Whether it really happened or not, my Bullshitometer was redlined. As a matter of fact I have to mute the Bullshitometer alarm most of the time because it's going off about every five minutes these days.
 If you Google it, this is the first pic that comes up. So that's the house of horrors family. I see. But...uh-oh...what else do I see? Whose hand is that on #10 right in the middle? It certainly doesn't belong to anyone in the was PHOTOSHOPPED. "So what?" people might ask. "So it's BULLSHIT" I'd say. It's been faked. If this photo is faked, then you have to wonder what else is.
 Wanna hear some more bullshit? One of the alleged hostages had a YouTube channel. Say what? Yep, she has or had her very own YouTube channel. She was wearing makeup and nice clothes, which might be considered unusual for someone who allegedly didn't get but one meal a day and one shower a year. All that aside, she was making videos where she sang songs with names like "I Feel Trapped" and shit like that. Come's pure bullshit. She did her videos unsupervised, and we're supposed to believe that for some mysterious reason she couldn't hold up a sheet of paper that said "Help. Trapped in a house of horrors. Please notify the authorities." She couldn't do that? What...they didn't give her pen and paper? She could have used her lipstick. I call bullshit. People who are being held against their will generally don't get to have their own computer; much less a YouTube channel. Think about it. It's utter nonsense. It's a fabrication.
 And the "dad." Come on. You couldn't go to the Creepy Character Actor's Union and find a more perfect-looking guy to be "dad." If you look up "Perv" in the dictionary his picture would be there. This is not "hate speech" or "bullying" in any way. NO ONE wants to see kids (or any living thing, for that matter) be hurt, but clearly this is bullshit. It's a psy-op. Use your brain. Wake up. It's your only hope.

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