Tuesday, March 20, 2018

How to Recharge YOUR Batteries 1

We charge our devices' batteries every day. But what about OUR batteries? What good is all that technological shit if WE can't function properly? Here's a simple thing you can do to get your own power meter out of the red. Go outside and walk barefoot on clean soil. Try it.
 It'll improve your quality of life within a week or two, and you'll be hooked. I realize it may sound like it these days, but I don't say shit just to say shit. This really works, and it's backed up by the very simplest of "sciences" and physical reactions. It involves mainly osmosis, capillary action and electromagnetism, which rules the world BTW.
 Have you ever seen those foot pad things that you stick on the bottom of your feet and after a few hours they're all stinky and gnarly and it's all you can do to peel them off and toss them? Well, that's no bs. That pungent gnarliness is toxins coming out of your body via your feets. Why do you think your socks stink sometimes? I have to mention here that years ago my buddy Nice Pete made an observation that earwax smells like foot cheese. Dude was onto something. Anyway, walking barefoot on good dirt has the same effect as the foot pads, for free. It's even better for obvious reasons. You generally have to be outside to be able to walk on dirt, so you get to soak in a little Nature, which doesn't come with the foot pads.
 And of course I mean good clean raw dirt; NOT grass, and for the love of God no bullshit Chemlawn/ Truegray chemically-treated lawns. That won't work, and it could fuck you up. There's a reason they tell you not to let your kids or pets play on a freshly-chemmed lawn. You can have a gorgeous lawn with ZERO chems with a tad of effort, but apparently people are just fine with poisoning themselves. It's a fucking shame. But I digress. I can digress with the best of them.
 All I know is fuck what your neighbors might think...get outside and kick off those skates and have a little walkaround. Any amount of time is good but the longer the better. You definitely need to walk around to get everything pumping and jiving. Through the magic of osmosis, capillary action and electrons firing and other natural wonders, them toxins will haul ass out of you feet once they realize what the deal is. They're trying to get the fuck out anyway so you're doing them a favor. "Gravity" dictates that toxins tend to collect in the feet. The Earth, or the ground, has a negative charge. Toxins almost always have a positive charge, and they attract. Do the math. This really works. In exchange for releasing toxins into the dirt, you're liable to gain some trace minerals, but don't quote me on that. Eliminating toxins is plenty good.
 It's times like these that I wish I was semi-famous...otherwise I wouldn't wish fame even on my worst enemy. If my last touring band for example, hadn't imploded from alcohol abuse, and I was in drum mags and whatnot, I'm sure I'd have a decent amount of followers on my blog, and my ideas would get out. Actually they're not my ideas at all, but I have learned them. I've studied-up and tried things for myself, and if it's bullshit it gets chucked. As it is, one or two people who might stumble across this stuff I say will probably go "Wow, that's a good idea. Makes sense. I should try that." Of course they never will, because most people are lazy as fuck-all. But I'll keep saying it anyway. I've had hands-on experience with this stuff since high school, and that was a long time ago. I'm not saying shit just to hear myself type. This here stuff really works, but you do have to do it. The biggest cause of disease is a buildup of toxins, which leads to inflammation, pain, bacterial growth, even cancer...you name it. You need to get rid of toxins.
 The world we live in today is toxic as fuck, and it's 100% by design. I can't prove it without putting in a bunch of links, but all you have to do to prove that to yourself is do a little homework. Or you can stick your head back in the sand and go back to sleep and just ignore it. It's your choice, but you do so at great peril. But all I am is a "fear-monger," right? I say again that the only people who use that term are themselves afraid. The truth isn't always pleasant, as we all know, but it's the truth. It's better to KNOW, right? Or no? Anyway it's all good. I'm trying to help.
 If you think for a second that I'd rather scare the shit out of people rather than, say, make them laugh or entertain them with music, or being the cool river-rat dude or Fearless Freddy or whatever, then you obviously don't know me at all, and granted maybe that's a good thing. My intentions are to educate, not frighten. I'd rather serve someone a nice cup of herbal tea than scare the shit out of them, but knowledge is power, and WE FEAR THE UNKNOWN. Dig on that for a moment. You dig? Knowledge eliminates fear. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is the shit.
 So get outside and get barefoot and walk in the dirt. If you don't have much room, find a spot of nice sweet dirt and just walk in place. Pretend you're making wine and crushing grapes or something. And yet again...fuck what the neighbors think. Once they see how much it does for you, hopefully they'll join in. They'll be wantin' some of what you're havin' and you never know...you just might have a healthier 'hood. I bet Betty down the street looks hot barefoot too. Think how much fun block parties would be if everyone got barefoot. You could have your own "Mecca." The good stuff in life is quite contageous. "Keeping up with the Jones" can take on a new meaning. Try it for a week or two. If you don't feel better, or if toxins are your thing, then don't do it. I should mention here that there's one thing you really need to be aware of if you're trying to turn over a new leaf and get yo'self healthier: Take it SLOWLY.
 If you've been eating a shitty diet and medicating yourself for every little hangnail and you get no excercise and such, your body is constantly in full emergency-detox mode. Instead of metabolising healthy food or enjoying the benefits of exercise or whatever, all systems of the body are working overtime to filter out all the bad shit. In case you didn't know that's terribly taxing on the body and it does nothing for lifespan. If you go cold turkey and get rid of junk food and needless meds and stuff overnight, your body has to completely switch over to an entirely different OS as it were, and it takes time.
 That's why many people who try to get healthy too quickly actually get sicker. All those toxins stored in your cells will be coming out at once, and many people feel so bad that they give up and blame it on healthy habits! You must take this into account, and go slowly, and mitigate the effects of tons of toxins being released back into the body all at once. I couldn't recommend Chlorella algae enough if you're trying to detox. There are many ways to detox...saunas, herbs, exercise, and very inexpensive things like turmeric (always with black pepper) and cilantro. I've done my homework...now you do yours. If you really care enough to try to get healthy you should care enough to do a little research. Do it.
 Get them tootsies in the soil. You'll love it. You'll feel yourself relax almost immediately. Toxins will begin to leave your body right away. Most importantly you'll be making a physical connection with the Earth. If that sounds like New-Age woo-woo, then don't do it, and enjoy your toxins. Have a nice day. Lose the shoes.

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