Friday, March 2, 2018


For the past few days the tumbleweeds have been blowing through YouTube. Not that you'd notice if you were looking for the latest Gaga video or Lol Cats or sadistic cartoons aimed at kids or even young women having sex with their dogs (100% true, and please don't shoot the messenger), but half my guys are outright gone, or lying low or switching to other platforms. It sucks but we knew it was coming.
 Mainstream media has gotten hold of the story. There's no way this could've flown under the radar for very long. When it's all said and done YouTube could potentially lose up to 25-30% of their viewers. That's incredible, especially when you consider that they're doing it willingly. They came out with a couple of statements; one apparently apologizing for any harm to a certain religious group, and another blaming it on new employees and new algorhythms responsible for searching out and striking so-called "hate speech" and "fake news." It's the same old bullshit, but as usual, people will not only buy it; they'll all be on board with it. I's bullshit.
 The general narrative they're promoting with all their energy right now is that the "truthers" are all automatically crazy and somehow harmful, and for our "protection" they need to be shut down. If you see this as ANYTHING except supressing free speech, then please quit reading now and go back to your regularly-scheduled bullshit. Thanks. If you're still with me, then do you think it's really possible to just lump an entire group into the crazy bin; without benefit of a proper medical diagnosis at the very least, just because they have different ideas? I hope not. Our country was founded on that principle, remember? I hope so.
 I've said a million times that life has become a football game, with people taking sides against each other over stupid bullshit. The art of cooperation, which up until now is the only thing that's kept us alive as a species, is eroding rapidly. It's become "Me against you" and nothing else. The very issue itself is instantly forgotten once the bickering begins. It's sad, but most people just can't see it. It's divide-and-conquer mentality, and we're living it right now. Hint: that's a strategy in WAR plans. Google it, Dylan...oh, never mind.
 All the bad giys have to do is stir up some emotion, and people think with their feelings rather than their brains. They use people's supposed intelligence against them. They'll say things like "Don't believe those're smarter than they are." That's how it works. Only a fool would accept that idea, but then again we've become a nation of fools. The great wiseman Thumb sang it in a brilliant song called "Nation of Sheep." It said: "You're a nation of fools, led by a handful of hogs. You throw away your rights, and feed 'em to the dogs." He sang that over two decades ago. That's some shit. AND it's true. I did say he was wise. To arbitrarily lump an entire group of people, and GOOD people at that is simply ludicrous, but most people will eat it up and come back for more. Thinking for one's self is a dying art. The very term is now considered "hate speech." It's true. So is "God loves you." Think about it.
 Bottom line is that I should be able to go on YouTube, or any other platform for that matter, and say whatever I want, as long as it's not true hate speech or anything I shouldn't have to go into. I could say I taught Buddy Rich how to play drums or that I have the biggest dick on the planet, and whether it sounds batshit-crazy or not, YOU and everybody else should absolutely defend my right to do so. Any questions?
 To think about ANY business willingly giving up up to a third of its loyal customers seems hard to imagine, and it should send a message to anyone. I heard just yesterday, and it makes perfect sense given the latest developements, that YouTube wasn't even breaking even before the Great Purge began. Obviously Google, or possibly someone else, is funding them, and that's not hard to imagine, but it goes against normal commerce. That should tell you that the message is even more important than the Almighty Dollar, and usually it wins hands-down. "Follow the money" is ALWAYS rule #1, and if anything strays from that, you should know it's a very serious matter.
 The censorship parade marches on. They've also started arbitrarliy shutting down websites. That should scare the fuck out of anybody. I'm concerned for this blog. I'll go on record here and say that if this blog should just up and disappear, IT AIN'T ME taking it down. I thought this was a free country. Guess what...whether you know it or not I just got flagged for saying that. I might as well be wearing a black ski mask and hoodie as far as some people are concerned, and besides being a pain in the ass, it truly breaks my heart. Maybe you think I'm just a "crazy truther" or I've run out of Reynols Wrap, or you're hearing the Looney Tunes theme in your head. I get it. It's your call, and I defend your right to make it.
 I'm a guy who loves family, country and apple pie. I abhor violence. I'd NEVER harm another living creature besides roaches, mosquitoes and fleas. I'll drop what I'm doing to help a complete stranger, and blah-blah, but now I'm actually considered a te**o*ist. Are you kidding? People are oblivious to the fact that some people are in a war, and it's because we CARE, dammit. The truth will come out. No two ways about it. The kicker here is that the longer you ignore it, the harder it will hit you, and I say that totally out of pure love and concern. The truth has a way of biting you on the ass sometimes. That's beyond dispute.
 It's sad that the tumbleweeds are blowing through my YouTube feed, but that's not all that's tumbling. YouTube has shot about a third of its foot off, and they don't even care. Soon enough it will be a good thing, at least for a while, because people will move on to other platforms where they can express ideas without having to worry about some "algorhythm." If you think I'm talking about crazy stuff just because I can, you'd be wrong, but again, you should be willing to defend my right to do so. All of this persecution under the guise of "fake news" is really sending you a message. Maybe you should listen. Have a nice day.

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