Saturday, April 27, 2024

The WTF Files: Gina Honey

I started a post about this a while back, but according to a blog search I didn't publish it. This woman trips me out so much that I don't even know where to begin. Her name is Gina. She's a YouTuber and a member of the "Truth Community." She has over 150K subs, which is getting into respectable territory. I've been subbed to her for nearly a decade, and I still don't know what her story is. 

 She's the most prolific YouTuber I've ever seen. She mostly goes live rather than posting videos, and she usually goes on 3-4 times a day and sometimes more, if an "anomaly" pops up. She's live right now in fact, talking about "taking back life essence." Going live is a lot easier and quicker than making videos, and people like her like to chat live with their subscribers.

 "Life essence" and other things she talks about may sound like Woo-Woo but they're absolutely legit, and that's the general problem I have with her...she comes out with great information most of the time, but not always. I got into her because she's into a lot of stuff I'm, space weather, space in general, satellite images of the Sun, frequencies and tons of other things. As a Truther she's also a "Conspiracy Theorist," and she believes in God; both of which instantly label her a wackadoodle in most people's book.

 I don't have a problem with that because I share those views. When she's not going live on YouTube, in addition to apparently being married, a homemaker and cat lover, she spends much of her time looking at things like webcams, satellite images and such, and again she comes out with lots of great information and very compelling images and videos of various phenomena, that people can see for themselves on these sites, but then she comes along with stuff like this.

 Several times a week she'll go live because she's found something unusual, to her anyway, on some webcam...things like spider webs, snow, ice, bird droppings or mainly, as in this case, raindrops, but instead of calling them raindrops or whatever, she calls them "intelligent, interdimensional plasma beings" or some shit like that. I cut her all the slack in the world but it runs out on this stuff. 

 What does it say in the lower-right box in this image...rain? Yes, it says "rain." Those are raindrops if you ask me. Not Gina...she gets really excited, giddy in fact, about her "plasma webs." I love her individuality, but I doubt 1 in 1,000 people would call things like this "plasma beings" rather than what they are...raindrops. What's nuts is that I'm not sure if she actually believes what she's saying, or if she's a "plant," basically a paid troll put here to discredit Truthers. That happens every day. It's called "controlled opposition" and it's a real thing. 

 I've probably seen about 300 of her videos and livestreams, and she's certainly no dummy. I want to say, judging by her reactions and commentary, that she actually believes what she's saying, as crazy as that is. It's quite entertaining to watch, although she gets quite a bit obnoxious, saying things like, "LOOOOOOK, YOU ALL!" and "OH, WOOOOOOOOW!" a million times. 

 She gives her plasma beings different personalities, and creates a story as new raindrops land on the lens and change the image. She narrates the action in real time like a commentator. She even comes up with possible motives on why her plasma beings do this and that. It's amazing.

 A new drop will fall and make the reflections move and warp, and she'll get very excited. A new drop will appear, and she'll say shit like, "LOOOOK! A new entity just materialized from another dimension! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" When she's moving her cursor or whatever, she'll narrate to herself in the third person, and she refers to herself as "Gina honey." 

 If she actually believes what she's saying, then bless her heart I guess. She's not hurting anyone, so I say let her have her fun. What's interesting is reading the comments from her loyal followers, and seeing how some of them sort of play along and coddle her. A few people seem to actually believe her, but many of them dance around the topic and talk about other stuff.

 A few brave souls will comment: "Those are raindrops." Her livestreams get between 100-200 people watching live. That's a good amount but not too many that she can't read the comments. To her credit she's very respectful of others' opinions, as we all should be, but she'll say, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO, those are PLASMA BEINGS!" Okay, Gina honey. 

 I also have to give her credit for the fact that when she shares another screen, she makes the image of herself tiny and out of the way, as you can see. I think you can tell a lot about a YouTuber's ego and personality by how they use picture-in-picture. Some are unobtrusive like Gina, but some will show the other screen, which is supposed to be the most important thing, on a playing-card-sized area, while 85% of the main screen is taken up by their face, mostly just sitting there watching the video, only they get to see it full-screen. People do want to see your face when you go live and are showing another screen, but your face shouldn't be the main feature until the other video is over. Kudos, Gina.

 She's very personable and friendly, and her "down home" vibe is so strong that I wonder if maybe she overplays it, but it could be genuine. I think she may have mentioned having a glass of wine here or there but I'm not sure. The thing is, although she never appears to be intoxicated in any way, I can't help but wonder if she's on some meds that occasionally make her trip-out, or maybe even dabbles in substances, but I kinda doubt it. It's possible she could be a functioning alcoholic but I doubt that too, since she never slurs her words, even a little. Going on assumption, I'd have to say that she really believes her rap. Her unbridled enthusiasm would certainly indicate that. 

 As much as I do like her and respect her for her legit research and all, I usually can't watch more than a couple minutes before I have to leave. I always have to unplug my Bullshitometer when I watch one of her "plasma being" vids; otherwise it might blow a fuse. Last night though, I watched most of her "plasma web" video. I have to say that she was extra obnoxious, to the point where I actually wanted to make a comment like, "Seriously? Please state how you're helping this community" but I didn't. 

 About three minutes into last night's stream she grabbed a chocolate chip cookie, a crunchy one to be exact, and went to town on that bitch. She mentioned the fact that she loved crunchy cookies better than soft ones half a dozen times, until I was starting to get anxious. She illustrated this perfectly by chomping her cookie into the microphone for several brutal minutes. It was bizarre. She was crunching and munching into the mic, while going "MMMMMMMMMMMMMM! I LOVE crunchy cookies! This is SOOOOOOOO good! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" It sounded like she was having an orgasm. I so wanted to say, "Are you KIDDING?" It was harsh. 

 I get that most people who might stumble on one of these vids might say she's out to lunch, but crunching a cookie at 110db into the mic is over the top, plus she was talking with her mouth full. Gina honey...manners, manners. Again some of her people coddled her by talking about how much they love chocolate chip cookies, and crunchy vs soft and all, but it had to bug them after a minute or two. One guy commented that she'd have to vacuum her keyboard, but most people just tolerated it. 

 As she was talking about how her plasma beings were replicating and reproducing, a new raindrop fell, and changed the image to this. It hit my funny bone and the timing was perfect. It was absolutely all I could do not to comment: "Right...I see how they reproduce...a plasma penis!" but I didn't. Ha-ha. 

 I can't help but wonder if she doesn't have a true perception of how others see her and her cookie chomping and stuff, which could indicate that she's a narcissist. Hopefully that isn't the case but it can't be ruled out. You'd think she'd grasp the fact that if she's truly trying to get her message across, knowing that most people don't take her seriously to begin with, she'd save the crunchy cookies for later. 

 I should go back and find this one vid and grab a screenshot, but it'd take too long. It was hilarious though. A spider had built a web over the lens of a webcam somewhere. It was coated in water droplets, reflecting light and out of focus, but you could clearly see the structure of a spider web. To her of course it was energy beings from another planet or whatever it was. How her followers could even play along with that is beyond me, but a few did. 

 A drop of water would hit it and it'd jiggle and distort for a second, which would send her into ecstasy. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" As we watched, the spider that built the web crawled into frame. It was hilarious given the circumstances, and I was sure she'd either come clean and admit she'd been lying, or genuinely realize she'd been wrong all along and apologize, but wasn't a spider; it was an intergalactic mutant vortex being, or some shit.

 I couldn't believe it. She didn't break character for a second. If she was just continuing the bullshit and improvising, she's brilliant, but I have to say that most people aren't that good. Her expression didn't change one bit. Maybe she's just plain dense...I don't know, and it's perplexing. You can't just declare this or that about her, no matter what your beliefs might be. 

 Maybe she's totally honest but radically naive, and she just has an overactive imagination. Her ability to imagine things is off the charts, and it's worth watching her vids just to hear her basically describe the personalities, lifestyles, mating habits and such of her plasma beings. She should look into writing Sci-Fi/Fantasy novels. And I have to practice what I preach, and say that while I don't think I'm seeing plasma beings instead of raindrops for a second, I can't debunk her with 100% certainty, and I support her right to believe what she wants. 

 If she's controlled opposition, where they bring up a controversial topic when they know that people are starting to talk about it, and then do everything they can to mock it, discredit it or deny it, you couldn't do any better than to get someone like Gina to say something controversial (that's actually true BTW, except for the plasma beings), and then have her loudly and rudely crunch a cookie into the microphone, talk with her mouth full, sound like she's having an orgasm, and then for good measure have her call raindrops "plasma beings." If that's the, they're good.

 Just when you think she's complex and befuddling enough, she'll toss another curveball. She has a series called "Dance with Me." Again that's legit, but it also adds to the mystery. Most of her videos that aren't live are of her dancing. Good for her to encourage her people to do something good for us physically and mentally, but it sure adds another quirky layer to the mystery. 

 She might not be my first choice in a woman but she wouldn't be my last, and I know some people get off on that enthusiastic, middle-aged woman who's still in good shape...glasses...big tits...interesting dance moves, and a look on her face that's an odd mixture of bliss, semi-goofiness, moderate hotness, occasional semiconsciousness and Stepford-wifeishness. You'd have to see her dance to get a feel for it.

 If she is a plant, she's a good one, and if so she's well-compensated. With 150K subs she might make a little money on YouTube, but not enough to live as well as she apparently does, from YouTube revenue alone. She never endorses any products, and she could if she wanted. Once someone reaches 100K subs and even less sometimes, companies will start reaching out to them, wanting them to endorse their products. She never asks people to sub or smash the like button, and I give her credit for that. 

 Point being is that what she might make from YouTube alone couldn't sustain her lifestyle, that is what she shows us of it. She often walks around her house and property, and there's some money coming from somewhere. Her house has a log cabin feel, with a wraparound porch and all. It's nicely furnished, and certainly a place I could be happy living. She has a lot of property, with all sorts of nice structures, gardens, animal pens and such, with all sorts of critters. 

 Of course it could all be bullshit and she really lives in a trailer, but I doubt it. She could easily afford a place like hers on what the Powers that Be would pay her to promote the narrative that Truthers are delusional morons. That's what they do. Makes you wonder...and just like they say, you don't get flack unless you're over the target. Think about it.

 Hubby might have made some money, and certainly her too, although she never mentions work she's done, and I gather she probably has never had to work but I could be wrong. Hubs could be bogus too...he's never appeared in any videos that I've seen. Every now and then she'll address him and say something over her shoulder, but I've never seen or heard him. 

 He could very well be real and probably is. Maybe he's a retired investment banker, or cleaned up in the rel estate market or the dot-com boom or whatever. You'd think he'd pop his head in once in a while to say hello, but maybe he's shy or he doesn't agree with her views...who knows. It's all so trippy and surreal, and then at the same time it's somehow normal...certainly for her. 

I share many of her beliefs, except those regarding raindrops and spider webs. I appreciate that she's into satellite images and all that stuff I'm into also, and the fact that she understands frequencies and vibrations, because everything in the Universe is a frequency. I'm right there with her, but then here come the plasma beings. I don't get it. In any case, dance on, Gina honey. I wish I knew your story. 

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