Monday, April 8, 2024

Eclipse 2024

The start of the solar eclipse is about three hours away. A million people are saying a million things they think could happen. Most won't happen, lots of ideas are whack, but as crazy as they might sound, some are actually backed up by science (SCIENCE). 

 I ran across one of I'm sure many YouTube channels, where this woman was assuring us with absolute certainty that the Rapture was going to happen during the eclipse. Those are the people to avoid like the plague, because anyone who tries to predict when it will happen, that is if it happens, is an idiot, and they don't even know the Bible they profess to go by. It says that no one but God knows the hour, not even Jesus or the angels. Or in the case of an ex, who was a poor speller, not even the angles. 

 I will say that the atmosphere around this eclipse is different from the one in 2017. For one thing we'll supposedly see the "Devil Comet" in the shadow of the Moon. They're saying we may see massive explosions from the surface of the Sun, which makes sense since the Sun is going nuts right now, and is about two years ahead of the predicted peak of solar activity. We weren't supposed to see the level of activity we're seeing right now until 2025. My main info guy (and others too) was saying at least eight years ago, when I started following him, that the Sun was going to go berserk around this time and ahead of schedule, just for the record. 

 The Sun is connected to Earth and the other planets electromagnetically, and the Moon passing between Earth and the Sun will interrupt the flow of electrons. We've been through plenty of eclipses before, and the only reason this one could be different from most is due to the increased solar activity. I wouldn't rule out earthquakes and such. The comet should be interesting. We're not in the area of totality so I'm about to find a livestream.

 I don't think that the world will end or that the Rapture is about to happen, but frankly I'd be perfectly okay with it if that were the case. I think that it's about to get really busy above our heads pretty soon. Heads-up.

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